Water vs oil poly

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New Member
Jan 24, 2014
I know that this not an original question but I've had a lot of people asking me about it recently.
What are the pros and cons of water poly? Some guys really like the look but are concerned about how long it lasts. Does anyone had any experience of water based not lastin long?
keep in mind its been many years since i refinished floors ----the worst job i ever had btw----but then the water based poly was so poor that 9 coats of water was not half as good as three coats of poly--the pros of water was that it dried very quickly so multple coats could be applied in one day and the odor would not kill your canary----the cons were that it just wasnt a hard shiny surface that held up to heavy traffic when you were done---a little off topic but it reminds me of breast implants---silicone was used exclusively at the beginning---saline was introduced as a safer alternative but the performance was subpar---silicone now once again rules the day----okay maybe a lot off topic
I hear ya. But that was back then. I suppose they upgraded the water product since. Any thing from current?
keep in mind its been many years since i refinished floors ----the worst job i ever had btw----but then the water based poly was so poor that 9 coats of water was not half as good as three coats of poly--the pros of water was that it dried very quickly so multple coats could be applied in one day and the odor would not kill your canary----the cons were that it just wasnt a hard shiny surface that held up to heavy traffic when you were done---a little off topic but it reminds me of breast implants---silicone was used exclusively at the beginning---saline was introduced as a safer alternative but the performance was subpar---silicone now once again rules the day----okay maybe a lot off topic

I don't think I could think of better topic though.

I've had some good experience with the rust oleam brand. It actually has aluminum oxide particles in it, so it seem to hold up well. Of course u would b better off with a dura seal or bona product. I've used them all & for the Money, the rust oleam seems good.
I've had some good experience with the rust oleam brand. It actually has aluminum oxide particles in it, so it seem to hold up well. Of course u would b better off with a dura seal or bona product. I've used them all & for the Money, the rust oleam seems good.

Thanks for your reply. How would you compare the water to oil poly regarding how long it lasts? I'm just trying to see if I'm not misleading my customers by encouraging them to go with the water based stuff. In my experience I didn't have anyone calling me back complaining that the water didn't hold up well.
IMHO I would never use water based in my own home. I actually just refinished the floors in my casa. I hand-scraped them, stained them & put three coats of polo plaz supreme on them. I've been using the polo plaz for awhile now. Can't b happier nor are my customers. Still once in awhile ill use water based when people are living in there homes while we refinish for the fumes & quick turn around time. There are a couple shots of my floors. ImageUploadedByFlooring Forum1390756259.427695.jpgImageUploadedByFlooring Forum1390756307.509154.jpg
IMHO I would never use water based in my own home. I actually just refinished the floors in my casa. I hand-scraped them, stained them & put three coats of polo plaz supreme on them. I've been using the polo plaz for awhile now. Can't b happier nor are my customers. Still once in awhile ill use water based when people are living in there homes while we refinish for the fumes & quick turn around time. There are a couple shots of my floors. View attachment 2223View attachment 2224

Floors look really impressive! Why wouldn't you do water in your house? Cause it doesn't hold up? Or the look?
Thanks. I just don't like the look and feel if the water based, to much like a layer if plastic for me. Nothing wrong with it, my dad just raised me always using oil based poly. Guess I just like it better
Wow. Must be something really good to be worth that price. I pay 120 for the bona
Wow. Must be something really good to be worth that price. I pay 120 for the bona