Yes, that detente can be a problem. The skirt boards are mdf, and since the old inner stairwell wall is of the plaster/lath era. The skirt boards were installed, then on one side at least, the stringer was lag bolted to the wall, and it pulled the skirt inwards, so it's uneven in places on both a horizontal and vertical plane. For me, it's easier to use a jig saw than mess around with minute adjustments on a chop saw. I've done that wedge thing, but on this stairwell, it just seems to need handcrafted precision, rather than play around with fine tuning individual angles on a $500 chop saw.

Food is really good, but feed dates are not consistent. He's a great BBQer, and has the science down good. He has a nice setup for outdoor food fixin'. I ripped out the lap siding so he could put in some pleated stainless and a custom made hood to control the smoke a little better. The smoke was staining the lap siding, so it just had to go.
The slab on the sink is pretty cool. I thin he called it river bed. The rock colors are great with all that stainless.