It is both. If the companies don't offer a product..........then there is often no demand, because people have no need for a product they have never envisioned, or never thought of needing.
People (customers) didn't demand a personal computer in their homes. There was a young group of
future 1%ers ....or .00001%ers, that pushed and shoved the idea that every home needs a computer. There was no demand whatsoever by the average consumer....... computers were for corporations.
The customer was sucked into the notion that they needed one, and through tremendous foresight, marketing, and advertising they hit the largest gold mine ever dug on earth.
In the end, it takes both, and to be honest, the chicken or the egg isn't of much concern to me.
My concern is that 1%ers get hammered so badly when in reality, we don't actually know any
real facts about them. There is no such thing as the infamous "loophole" The goverment creates the taxing system.
If my business made a $5 million dollar profit, (I wish

) and I spent $3 million in upgrades to a building or equipment....... some people would call that tax dodging or a loophole. If I was an oil company, and purchased rights to explore 200,000 acres of land to drill test wells, ...........that would be considered a government handout or a something more sinister. I see that as the government wanting revenue from those future gas taxes without having to perform any work.
They don't pay taxes, they cheat on taxes, they own corporations that get government handouts and the corporations don't pay taxes, they use loopholes, etc. ......ooh, those cheating 1%ers
I have worked for a good handful of those 1%ers over the years, and all were generous, pleasant and nice down to earth people. .....OK, except for the one that went to jail.

One, who was a banking CEO, donated money to build a huge Boys and Girls club. Another donated a huge chunk of change (anonymously) to put artificial turf on the high school football field. I think he donated a half million towards that project.
Another donated $20 grand to the Boys and Girls club, and the company he was employed by matched that amount......... they have donated more since then, plus to the new Maritime museum. They don't announce the donations publicly.......... word slowly gets around.
Another paid to rebuild the municipal swimming pool.
I see so much negativity about the 1%ers, mostly by gosh and by golly instead of factual information, but nothing good they do is ever brought up. I like them people. Yes, there are certainly slimy weasely 1%ers out there too.
What I don't like was when NAFTA was signed into law. It was like a floodgate opened wide and created a race for manufacturing companies to leave this country. All it took is one large company to exit in search of lower operating costs, then the rest simply had to follow to compete. I think Addidas went offshore in the 70's and the other show manufacturers couldn't begin to compete without doing the same.
Problem is how to lure them back....... high corporate taxes won't do that.
No, I don't know what the answer is. Not sure anyone does.