State of the Union

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Probably would have helped if O released his birth certificate info 3 years prior the election (like Cruze) instead of reluctantly dragging his feet for a year and a half after being elected. that right there makes any reasonable person ask:
.....why was that so hard? ...why did he drag it out so long? The longer he drug it out, the longer the list of theories emerged making it more and more questionable. To be honest, I still wonder a little bit.
My original BC is 2 feet from my keyboard and has been for more than 15 years. Prior to that it was 12 feet away.
It took me 15 minutes to scan, obliterate info and post my proof of citizenship. Not hard at all.
I has feet to stand on. Here they is. (much larger now, just like my attitude) :D

My doctored BC.jpg

Feet prints700.jpg
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I'm a one percenter, and 150 workers spent 5 or more days a week for over 3 years building my yacht............. that's a bad thing?
....not to mention building my 3 summer homes (that all have floors), and my fleet of cars and my Gulfstream 650?
How did I just spend $550 million on stuff and nobody was employed or got paid? a "customer", I figured that I was doing a pretty good job employing a lot of people. Maybe now I'll just stop spending my money and stash it under the mattress.. The ones in my homes, plane and yacht.

What bothers me about some of those 1 percenters, is that they sometimes get paid huge bonuses when they their company has had a crappy year. As a CEO, you are supposed to be paid well when you make the company grow, not lose money and shrink. When I see them accept a large bonus at the same time they are closing plants, or stores, it makes me sick. If I was making big money, I'd forgo my bonus if it could keep the company from closing a store or laying off some of it's workers.......... but that's just me. I'd make a crappy boss. :D

150 workers spent 5 days or more a week for 3 years building a yacht for a customer. Our politicians equate "job creator" with the "1%" and that is plain stupid. Jobs are created by customers. Plain and simple.
150 workers spent 5 days or more a week for 3 years building a yacht for a customer. Our politicians equate "job creator" with the "1%" and that is plain stupid. Jobs are created by customers. Plain and simple. as a customer, and a 1 percenter, I created 150 jobs. Got it. :D
If I, (my company), creates the Iphone XXI-SD (super duper), and my company spends $25 million in R&D, then another $30 million in a marketing campaign to promote the product, and it is a total flop.......... I didn't create any jobs. (except for R&D and marketing people)
If the product is an overwhelming success........... I still didn't create any jobs?
I think our differences are a simple matter of terminology. Yes, technically the customer demand creates the jobs, but if I didn't develop a product for them to buy............ there wouldn't be any demand.
What came first, the chicken or the egg? I don't really care, as long as the omelet has plenty of ham, bacon and cheese in it. :D as a customer, and a 1 percenter, I created 150 jobs. Got it. :D
If I, (my company), creates the Iphone XXI-SD (super duper), and my company spends $25 million in R&D, then another $30 million in a marketing campaign to promote the product, and it is a total flop.......... I didn't create any jobs. (except for R&D and marketing people)
If the product is an overwhelming success........... I still didn't create any jobs?
I think our differences are a simple matter of terminology. Yes, technically the customer demand creates the jobs, but if I didn't develop a product for them to buy............ there wouldn't be any demand.
What came first, the chicken or the egg? I don't really care, as long as the omelet has plenty of ham, bacon and cheese in it. :D

That's the fallacy presented by many politicians and others that don't understand the difference. It doesn't take 1%ers to create jobs. If it did companies like Apple, Microsoft, Ford, Hewlett Packard, etc wouldn't exist.

Lets take your example. You had 2 possible outcomes, flop or success. You're a factor in both. Customers are only involved with the success. Which is more important?
It is both. If the companies don't offer a product..........then there is often no demand, because people have no need for a product they have never envisioned, or never thought of needing.
People (customers) didn't demand a personal computer in their homes. There was a young group of future 1%ers ....or .00001%ers, that pushed and shoved the idea that every home needs a computer. There was no demand whatsoever by the average consumer....... computers were for corporations.
The customer was sucked into the notion that they needed one, and through tremendous foresight, marketing, and advertising they hit the largest gold mine ever dug on earth.
In the end, it takes both, and to be honest, the chicken or the egg isn't of much concern to me.
My concern is that 1%ers get hammered so badly when in reality, we don't actually know any real facts about them. There is no such thing as the infamous "loophole" The goverment creates the taxing system.
If my business made a $5 million dollar profit, (I wish :D) and I spent $3 million in upgrades to a building or equipment....... some people would call that tax dodging or a loophole. If I was an oil company, and purchased rights to explore 200,000 acres of land to drill test wells, ...........that would be considered a government handout or a something more sinister. I see that as the government wanting revenue from those future gas taxes without having to perform any work.
They don't pay taxes, they cheat on taxes, they own corporations that get government handouts and the corporations don't pay taxes, they use loopholes, etc. ......ooh, those cheating 1%ers
I have worked for a good handful of those 1%ers over the years, and all were generous, pleasant and nice down to earth people. .....OK, except for the one that went to jail. :D
One, who was a banking CEO, donated money to build a huge Boys and Girls club. Another donated a huge chunk of change (anonymously) to put artificial turf on the high school football field. I think he donated a half million towards that project.
Another donated $20 grand to the Boys and Girls club, and the company he was employed by matched that amount......... they have donated more since then, plus to the new Maritime museum. They don't announce the donations publicly.......... word slowly gets around.
Another paid to rebuild the municipal swimming pool.
I see so much negativity about the 1%ers, mostly by gosh and by golly instead of factual information, but nothing good they do is ever brought up. I like them people. Yes, there are certainly slimy weasely 1%ers out there too.
What I don't like was when NAFTA was signed into law. It was like a floodgate opened wide and created a race for manufacturing companies to leave this country. All it took is one large company to exit in search of lower operating costs, then the rest simply had to follow to compete. I think Addidas went offshore in the 70's and the other show manufacturers couldn't begin to compete without doing the same.
Problem is how to lure them back....... high corporate taxes won't do that.
No, I don't know what the answer is. Not sure anyone does.
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I'm not convinced NAFTA really had a big impact. I think massive improvements in worldwide shipping and income inequity are the main reasons why jobs drifted elsewhere. Some went nowhere, automation ate them. Some of it is attitudes too.

Many "news" sources malign illegal immigrants (excuse me, undocumented aliens). Most of the people came here under dangerous conditions in search of a better life (why did the original settlers come to America?). Most of them are conscientious and work extremely hard. How can we fault someone who is doing everything they can to improve their life for them and their family? Isn't that supposed to be "the American way"?

Yet they're bad guys for taking jobs most "Americans" don't want and won't work. If you're a farmer in central California getting rid of all the illegals (sorry, undocumented) will put you out of business. You're not going to get a usable work force out of citizens unless you double your wages, and maybe not even then. Can you compete against imports from Mexico (or Chile) when your labor costs double?

The problems we have as a country are complex and if they were simple black & white they would have already been fixed.
I'm not convinced NAFTA really had a big impact. I think massive improvements in worldwide shipping and income inequity are the main reasons why jobs drifted elsewhere. Some went nowhere, automation ate them. Some of it is attitudes too.

Many "news" sources malign illegal immigrants (excuse me, undocumented aliens). Most of the people came here under dangerous conditions in search of a better life (why did the original settlers come to America?). Most of them are conscientious and work extremely hard. How can we fault someone who is doing everything they can to improve their life for them and their family? Isn't that supposed to be "the American way"?

Yet they're bad guys for taking jobs most "Americans" don't want and won't work. If you're a farmer in central California getting rid of all the illegals (sorry, undocumented) will put you out of business. You're not going to get a usable work force out of citizens unless you double your wages, and maybe not even then. Can you compete against imports from Mexico (or Chile) when your labor costs double?

The problems we have as a country are complex and if they were simple black & white they would have already been fixed.
True, the fix is very complex.
As far as doing jobs Americans won't do....... drywall, painting, framing, pouring concrete, flooring installations....... like installing carpet for $2 a yard? Those people, no matter how hard they work, are taking jobs that Americans will not do .........well, not for 1970's wages. American workers expect 2015 wages.
Produce is a totally different animal, and that type of work I recall was something the government actually encouraged back in the 30's or 40's I think.
Produce can be sold across country lines, so it's hard for US growers to compete without documented.....or undocumented workers. Home construction obviously cannot be compared to a product that can be exported. Those people may be hard workers, but they destroy the ability of legal residents to make a decent wage for skilled work. Americans will do construction work...... but not for $9 an hour.

Jeeze, what a party pooper. :D
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"installing carpet for $2 a yard" Where? I can take you to any big city in this area and show you illegals installing for $1.25 to $1.50 a yard. Or roofing for $5 an hour.
"installing carpet for $2 a yard" Where? I can take you to any big city in this area and show you illegals installing for $1.25 to $1.50 a yard. Or roofing for $5 an hour.

Like field work, the low end construction, manufacturing, textile, domestic help, lawn mowing/landscape work it's IMMIGRANT labor competing against ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS labor at this point. 2nd and 3rd generation Americans shudder at the thought of our precious little babies toiling in the fields, scrubbing toilets or wasting away on some assembly line. Our kids are all going to be CEOs, scientists, doctors and lawyers dontcha know.

Most of those legal immigrants should be considered American. Many are citizens. The ILLEGAL workers undermine labor across the board the same way as a raise in the minimum wage attempts to force employers ACROSS THE BOARD to increase workers pay.

WORKING CONDITIONS and fringe benefits are without a doubt an extremely important aspect of this discussion that doesn't get enough mention. Things like work related expenses and safe working conditions as well as the THOUSANDS of labor laws, taxes, insurances......basic human decency in some cases to niggling bureaucratic BS, the employer evades by hiring illegal workers who will not bitch and moan about.......ANYTHING.........EVER....til it gets to the point where dead bodies are being dragged away from the work site.

This isn't an exaggeration or dramatization. It's just AS MUCH about compliance with worker safety and labor laws as wages.
I only Googled the first of thew non-true "facts"
Found this:
John Adams Did Not Say This

This came across Facebook today. The following quote was supposedly attributed to John Adams, one of our founding fathers: ?As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion.? The quotation was offered to somehow invalidate the fact that our country was founded on Judeo-Christian values. The problem with the quotation is that John Adams never said or wrote it.

The quotation is, in fact, part of Article 11 of The 1797 Treaty of Tripoli. The full text is: ?As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquillity, of Mussulmen; and, as the said States never entered into any war, or act of hostility against any Mahometan nation, it is declared by the parties, that no pretext arising from religious opinions, shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.? The treaty was written by an American diplomat, John Barlow. It was approved by John Adams and ratified by The Senate.
Why read further?
I don't think too many Republicans lose sleep of any of this. I won't and I'm not even one of those horrible people. :D
How does free college and the new tax called "health care" fit into the story line?
I only needed to read this...

10. President Obama was not only born in the United States, his roots run deeper in American history than most people know.

to realize whatever said above it was all Democrat lies. I'm surprised there wasn't a link at the bottom of the page on how to receive 3-4 Obama phones, free internet service, free ladders for our Southern fence jumpers, and free rides to the polling places, provided that you vote for the next democratic nomination. :cool:

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