See, THAT's the problem right there.
You (we) VOTE and it confirms their justification of the system. Not just you of course but 110-120 MILLION Americans only think blue or red, donkey or elephant, white or black, gay or straight, communist or fascist, abortion or right to life...............simple mindedness at it's worst. As if these issues are Yes/No questions on a high school test.
Sorry for starting all this nonsense. Had a few beers in me when that lying sack of **** came on the TV and started selling the..........NEVERMIND.
Beer is good............ On that note, if we tax more, it will all be fixed.
Maybe if the government makes a monumental decision to entice corporations to not go elsewhere.
Note to the common folk.
...corporations don't pay those taxes. They add it to their costs of operation and pass it on to us in higher priced goods................ hey, if they increased your taxes 30%....... would you eat it? ..............or increase the price of your product 35% .............or move overseas? The US keeps digging into the corporations and making them appear to be the evil giant so we will all hate them.
How about the government starts trying to
work with corporations so that they will bring some jobs back home where they belong?
I found the speech refreshingly inspiring. Lets all work together. Like every State of The Union speech.
If I was a one percenter I wouldn't be worried. lol Hey I got "trickle down" working for me!!! It's trickling down my F'ing leg very very slowly.
It doesn't work that way. Increase taxes in New York on the 1%ers and they will move out of the state. Doing that reduces NY city income 50% and they will fall into an abyss in one day. You need to find a way to work with and entice these people and companies to stay here and build here. Taxing the crap out of them has
extremely obvious consequences.
The US has driven away the companies that built this country. How do we get em back? By imposing higher regulations and taxes? This isn't 1960 anymore.
I do have issues with them tho.......... The large multinational corporations, instead of investing their income by building additional plants to manufacture their products........... they buy out the competition, reducing our ability to have choices. I do have a problem with that.
..............but what is the fix? Increased taxes won't help, it will hurt. Hating the wealthy won't help.
How about in time of record deficits, the government gets friendly with corporations, reduces handouts to the middle American (
not the needy), instead of as in the presidents speech, add billions in more handouts without a way to pay for it?
O is not running again, so there's no risk to himself whatsoever tossing out or offering bus so he can look like a saint. He speech was taking credit where credit is not due, then promising tanker loads of candy to the masses. The democratic system is all about creating more and more programs to get re-elected. Those mean old conservatives want to pat you on the back, encourage you, and push you hard to better yourself.
Demo's want you to blame yous situation on someone else.
.............We need more of the Andy Griffith type shows back on TV to show kids how life is supposed to be. .....just wishful thinking.
Those old TV shows taught and instilled in us kids a lot of morals and good thinking. Kids today don't give a crap about anything but cell phones, selfies and U-tube. It's really a very, very, sad state we are in right now, with instant connections and gratification being our only purpose in life.