Marijuana issues

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Staff member
Oct 22, 2011
Somewhere between Heaven and Hell
Since my city wants to open 9 marijuana dispensaries around town, I went to the 4 hour city council meeting and after listening to 35 dope smoking folks from other cities, the council voted and there will not be any dispensaries in this town. A small victory for us. I could care less is someone smokes the crap, just buy it elsewhere.
Missouri will be the next one to make it legal. Doesn't matter, you can buy it anywhere now.

You could always buy it anywhere U.S.A for the last fifty years. Thing is is it helps cut out the drug cartel out of the equation. Plus the city and gubment make money which helps out schools. And in that fashion should pay for more hardcore anti-drug ads.
From the California statistics, these pot shops make $100K A WEEK! Since the govnt does not allow credit card charges on marijuana, it is entirely a cash business. There is no way to track sales. We were promised $75k per shop per year for taxes, which doesn't even pay the cost of administrative costs. Any excess sales taxes goes to the government and the city was promised no more than 1% return.

Combine this with a 2 year study that was done in Colorado, which proves homeless and transients frequent pot sales locations, a decrease in property values, an increase in city taxes to subsidize the medical bills for the homeless and the increase in calls for police services, it is just bad business....EXCEPT FOR THE BUSINESS OWNER.

Smoke your ragweed wherever you want but go elsewhere to purchase it and not in my backyard.

(damn, I'm beginning to sound like an old curmudgeon, huh? :) )
What do you mean "beginning to" lol.

That doesn't help the people from getting medical pot that really need it. I'm certain you don't believe it helps many health conditions as well.

Guess them poor old pot eatin people will have to drive recklessly while stoned even further than they need to.

I just don't understand why we don't just legalize it and be done with it instead of all the dispensary crap. Let people grow their own and the cost goes down, cuts out the cartel and murders/violence. The only real reason for dispensaries is to gain tax money.

Heck, booze and tobacco causes more health problems than any other drug.
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I have no problem with patients who really need it. In fact, my sister has stage 4 ovarian cancer and going through her third round of chemo. I encouraged her to smoke a blunt to see if it helps her appetite. What I disagree with is the long hair, never done nothing right s#itheads, who never worked a day in their life, and sucks off the government, going into a clinic with something as simple as an ingrown toenail, a pimple, or a butt ache from sitting too long, and getting their medical card to smoke pot. It is a farce.

We had 42 people talk at last night's city council meeting, and the only advocates of the pot stores lived outside our city. Well, they can go to hell.

(Can you all see me with my Clint Eastwood face, sitting on the front porch with my double barrelled shotgun saying, "Get off my yard!")

As mentioned above, this ruling has nothing to do with medical patients. They can still get it delivered, or driven through our city, and even allowed to grow marijuana in their own backyard in a 10' x 10' section.
Well for damn sake why the need for a dispensary if you can grow your own there, I agree then. hehehe

The frickin cartels can shove it. Come an see my little fren :machine gun: (my machine gun broke)
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I have no problem with patients who really need it. In fact, my sister has stage 4 ovarian cancer and going through her third round of chemo. I encouraged her to smoke a blunt to see if it helps her appetite. What I disagree with is the long hair, never done nothing right s#itheads, who never worked a day in their life, and sucks off the government, going into a clinic with something as simple as an ingrown toenail, a pimple, or a butt ache from sitting too long, and getting their medical card to smoke pot. It is a farce.

We had 42 people talk at last night's city council meeting, and the only advocates of the pot stores lived outside our city. Well, they can go to hell.

(Can you all see me with my Clint Eastwood face, sitting on the front porch with my double barrelled shotgun saying, "Get off my yard!")

As mentioned above, this ruling has nothing to do with medical patients. They can still get it delivered, or driven through our city, and even allowed to grow marijuana in their own backyard in a 10' x 10' section.
I strongly resemble that remark! :D

Pot isn't ever going away. Been around for ever and ever and ever. Banning it is like banning alcohol. Like booze, which includes beer, pot smoking isn't really any better or worse from what I have witnessed over my 58.904109589051 years. (not than I'm counting) :D
There's drunks and there's dope heads..........
Ever get in a tangle with a mean pot smoker?
Ever get in a tangle with a mean drunk? What's your preference? One of them needs a taser, the other can be lured to submission with donuts........
I meant Doritos. :D
I look at all of the pot possession arrests and people put in jail, and the tax payers costs of doing so as pretty much of a total waste of money for 50 years. There hasn't ever been a reduction in use from enforcement or prosecutions............... so what is the point? Keep tossing money into a wastebasket that has no bottom? It's really time to treat it like what it is......... a socially accepted drug, just like alcohol.
Spend resources more on meth, crack, cocaine, heroin and other stuff that never ends well.
It's just pot and that's why it's being legalized in more and more states and the feds aren't even enforcing the federal laws on states that have passed legalization.
Years ago, pot was made into a monster that never existed.
Legalization and being able to 'grow your own' takes the Mexican mafia out of the picture doesn't............. that's a good thing, right?

The other low life people you mentioned are totally unrelated to pot.... they're just lowlifes. Drunks or pot, no real difference.
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Too funny high.

I too had hair down to my butt in high school and had been known to partake in smoking a bit of herb.

What we've seen down here is honey labs blowing up all over. On our road trip a few weeks ago, we visited friends up in Grass Valley, Cal. Their neighbor moved to an old folks home, so the owner allowed his two sons to stay in his house, provided they kept it up and continued the insurance. Well, the two idiots were selling pot and making honey oil inside, and blew up the house a week before we arrived. Worst yet, they didn't pay the insurance, so dad is out $500K. Both kids are in the hospital, and since they had no medical insurance, we taxpayers are footing the bill for it.


Stupid people do stupid things. People deep fry turkeys in their garages and burn down houses too.
I can certainly understand smaller communities not wanting a pot dispensary in their town.
I suppose if a town can have an ordinance against fast food chains, an ordinance against a pot shop would be OK............ by vote tho, not the city counsel.
In Oregon, the one issue I have with pot is the food type. It's legal too. I think it's kinda risky. Have you ever picked up a carton/package of brownies at the store's bakery, and you get them home and they taste so good, you can't stop till they are 1/2 gone? What if that craving happens with pot laced brownies? By the time it takes effect, I think you could be in big trouble especially if the potency isn't known or accurate.
Having it go to the vote of the citizens would have been a great idea and i agree with you. Problem with pot brownies is the fact that this can only be controlled by the person making the brownies. What grade pot are they using? Seems there should be controls in place to know what the consumer was getting.

I made pot brownies once. Who would have known you were remove the stems and seeds? Boy, were they rank!
Florida is having a pretty sure bet that medical marijuana will get
passed this election, as it came very close last time.

Funny thing, John Morgan (Morgan and Morgan and Morgan and Morgan and Morgan) supports the MMJ bill, but they power
brokers killed a better bill which would be similar to Colorado
law, more or less completely make legal to grow for personal use.

I am sure he wants to profit off the lawsuits from people who have
a hard time getting a medical card.
In Kommiefornia, a medical card is provided to anyone with any ailment, provided you purchase some pot in the store where the doctor is located. Years ago, I took my family to the center of the "freaks, geeks, and whackos" (Venice Beach, Ca.) and the salesman even offered me a law enforcement discount if I was to go inside to see the doctor.
Having it go to the vote of the citizens would have been a great idea and i agree with you. Problem with pot brownies is the fact that this can only be controlled by the person making the brownies. What grade pot are they using? Seems there should be controls in place to know what the consumer was getting.

I made pot brownies once. Who would have known you were remove the stems and seeds? Boy, were they rank!
I think Oregon is trying to make some sort of labeling to deal with that.
Maybe the quality or strength could be labeled with bee symbols from zero to five........... One bee means mild and 5 bees being brownies with the strongest buzz. :D
Another consideration that was brought up at the city council meeting was the types of fertilizers were OK to use on the plants, and what was really organic and healthy. Backyard growers could possibly use paraquat or other dangerous substances. I'm wondering if retail establishments have a way to test for this?

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