I have no problem with patients who really need it. In fact, my sister has stage 4 ovarian cancer and going through her third round of chemo. I encouraged her to smoke a blunt to see if it helps her appetite. What I disagree with is the long hair, never done nothing right s#itheads, who never worked a day in their life, and sucks off the government, going into a clinic with something as simple as an ingrown toenail, a pimple, or a butt ache from sitting too long, and getting their medical card to smoke pot. It is a farce.
We had 42 people talk at last night's city council meeting, and the only advocates of the pot stores lived outside our city. Well, they can go to hell.
(Can you all see me with my Clint Eastwood face, sitting on the front porch with my double barrelled shotgun saying, "Get off my yard!")
As mentioned above, this ruling has nothing to do with medical patients. They can still get it delivered, or driven through our city, and even allowed to grow marijuana in their own backyard in a 10' x 10' section.
I strongly resemble that remark!
Pot isn't ever going away. Been around for ever and ever and ever. Banning it is like banning alcohol. Like booze, which includes beer, pot smoking isn't really any better or worse from what I have witnessed over my 58.904109589051 years. (not than I'm counting)

There's drunks and there's dope heads..........
Ever get in a tangle with a mean pot smoker?
Ever get in a tangle with a mean drunk? What's your preference? One of them needs a taser, the other can be lured to submission with donuts........
I meant Doritos.
I look at all of the pot possession arrests and people put in jail, and the tax payers costs of doing so as pretty much of a total waste of money for 50 years. There hasn't
ever been a reduction in use from enforcement or prosecutions............... so what is the point? Keep tossing money into a wastebasket that has no bottom? It's really time to treat it like what it is......... a socially accepted drug, just like alcohol.
Spend resources more on meth, crack, cocaine, heroin and other stuff that never ends well.
just pot and that's why it's being legalized in more and more states and the feds aren't even enforcing the federal laws on states that have passed legalization.
Years ago, pot was made into a monster that never existed.
Legalization and being able to 'grow your own' takes the Mexican mafia out of the picture doesn't............. that's a good thing, right?
The other low life people you mentioned are totally unrelated to pot.... they're just lowlifes. Drunks or pot, no real difference.