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Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2015
Hello I have been a member on this forum for a few years, But do not post. I have., just not regular
Would you be open to a classified section? I am a leather worker and am looking for places to sell
I respect your forum. That Is why I am asking and not spamming you.
below is some of the work i do
if you say no. simply delete the images and you will not be bothered again about the subject
havasu knows me, ask him who i am, he might start shooting so be carefull
holster 002.jpg

ladies' bill fold
Thank you high up. I learned how about a 1 and a half ago.
you should have seen my first card holder. LOL looked like a cow stepped on it then took a dump !!

here is more stuff. none of this is 4 sale. just showing off my hobby

owl purse

Plague mask, This is a reproduction of the black plague mask wore back in the day, doctors wore these and stuffed it full of flowers to avoid the smell of decaying bodies

Guy wanted a bag to take hunting, he said i need a bag that will hold a roll of toilet paper and a sprite LOL
I am disabled, so i had to find a craft to work at sitting down.
I was a plumber for 35 years, and now my lungs are shot .
A friend started me out .

I call this the Church lady, I put a cross on the inside

20191201_053000 (1).jpg


above is the $300.00 range bag. made out of elk. looks like lugage,
he said thats what he wanted, so thee thief does not know what it is in the back seat. 24x12x12

below is a set of snake gaters, for a guy with a snake problem in is field
He's getting me interested in it. Sent me some stuff to get started. Also referred me to a FB page where they discuss the patterns & there's a guy who sells patterns as well as has free ones.

Frodo sent me a cool mask he made & I'm going to try to duplicate it & maybe tweak the pattern a bit. There are patterns and tutorials available for purchase, but even with those, it takes practice to get good stuff & Frodo has really made amazing progress.
Thanks Zanne. when you get ready to buy a big ole double shoulder of veg tan. look me up I have a 50% discount you can have for one

a link for ya Zanne leatherworker
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I stumbled across the group a year ago
Mongolian rock and roll. kinda interesting,
have you ever heard of throat singing?

custom work. damn customer
I quoted this part of your post as I make custom rugs, and yest leather can be used there also, even though I never have. But the reason for Damned customer is they have no idea the time you puy intyo the project from the time they say here is the down payment until the end, frompatterning to finished. I did a rug I put over 100 hours into and was asking $1200 for. I was told I was out of my mind. Just so happens this was a GM worker and I asked how much per hour he made. He said and then I told him don't you think I would deserve the same, no comment was what I got. So my point is, don't sell yourself short, stick to your guns on pricing, with what looks like your quality of craftsmanship you will get it. Beautiful work.

I quoted this part of your post as I make custom rugs, and yest leather can be used there also, even though I never have. But the reason for Damned customer is they have no idea the time you puy intyo the project from the time they say here is the down payment until the end, frompatterning to finished. I did a rug I put over 100 hours into and was asking $1200 for. I was told I was out of my mind. Just so happens this was a GM worker and I asked how much per hour he made. He said and then I told him don't you think I would deserve the same, no comment was what I got. So my point is, don't sell yourself short, stick to your guns on pricing, with what looks like your quality of craftsmanship you will get it. Beautiful work.

Post pictures of your rugs, like to see them.
Short story, I was working in telluride Colorado in a 4 million dollar condo
I called our office in Louisiana and told the owners wife i was standing on a 50k rug. she said GET OFF OF IT, you track dirt in my office every time I see you.
Ever been to a biker rally?

bike ralley 002.jpg

my wife informed me she wanted a baby grand piano, so i made her a baby g piano
I have been told that. My problem is, custom work. damn customer acting like the bag is theirs or something. lol
Sometimes that's what I think when I finish a difficult carpet job. It's my house until I'm finished with it. It takes me so long to get a big carpet job done that I actually feel like it's my house when I'm done. 😄
Ever been to a biker rally?

View attachment 11455

my wife informed me she wanted a baby grand piano, so i made her a baby g piano
View attachment 11456
I like that. One year for Christmas I gave a half a dozen members of the family figurines made from copper pipe caps and 12 gauge copper wire.
I wish I had pictures cuz I can't remember what they all look like. One of my cousins like scuba diving so I made here a stick figure with a diving tank. Playing with metal is kind of fun. I made another cousin a birthday card out of copper. I found it so difficult but mostly time consuming to hammer the letters into copper that it just said "Happy Day" 😁
It was shiny copper and so I drizzle some acid on it and heated it up with my torch which gave it some rainbow colors. Then I sprayed a thin coat of some polyurethane or lacquer on it.
That was 40 some years ago. I wonder if she still has it.
We have some stuff from Vietnam that is made of silver or some other silverish metal that is made about the same way as those bikes and piano. Man, when it first opened up for US trade again and my dad went there (had to go to the embassy for something) the prices on handcrafted stuff was dirt cheap. They had these lacquer boxes with mother-of-pearl inlay that were meticulously made and were only $6 for small ones and $12 for large (in USD). One of the times he was in the shop where they made the boxes, he asked if they had any with elephants on them (because mom loves elephants). They said they didn't but they would try to make some. So they made this custom box with an elephant for $12. They had it on the shelf waiting for him to come back to get it and said other customers were wanting to buy it. Apparently there was enough interest that they started making elephant boxes regularly after that. He went back a few times over the next few years and every time they thanked him for the elephant idea-- it was their best seller.

Thanks for the link, Frodo.

Also, thanks for the introduction to the Hu band. I got my sister and her friends listening to it now. I really had wanted to go to a concert they were in in San Diego. Baby Metal was playing there too (which is a band my brother loves). Would have been cool if we'd gone together, but couldn't leave mom by herself and couldn't leave pets unattended. Never actually been to a concert. I don't think I would like it though-- I don't like loud music and crowds.

Daris, your dog is beautiful and the rug is very cool.
Hello I have been a member on this forum for a few years, But do not post. I have., just not regular
Would you be open to a classified section? I am a leather worker and am looking for places to sell
I respect your forum. That Is why I am asking and not spamming you.
below is some of the work i do
if you say no. simply delete the images and you will not be bothered again about the subject
havasu knows me, ask him who i am, he might start shooting so be carefull
View attachment 11440
ladies' bill fold
View attachment 11441
Nice work, but we have to run the idea past Angie. Keith owns this forum too.

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