Alabama’s hit you, try for a 3 month rental from her insurance. OR borrow the company truck

…. Good luck Man, glad you have quick reflexes.
It's a '93 with 289,000 miles on it.
....possibly. the 2.8 litre was swapped for a 4.3 litre at some point in his life and the 4.3 was from a 1988 S10. I have no history on the motor not knowing if it was possibly rebuilt or if it sat for 5 years before being installed in my pickup. I'm going to guess the mileage is relatively accurate.
A friend of mine has a used car dealership he checked out the books, and with what it's equipped with it ranged from about $900 to $2150, average of 1450 or something like that.
The adjuster is going to call me today, so we'll figure out where I stand. I wrote down a list of things just to have on hand about the parts and sensors that I've replaced in the past 8 months.
If they total the vehicle, which everyone says they do because of its age and value I do have one ace up my sleeve.
About a year ago I put on a new Napa lifetime starter.
From O'Reilly's I have a lifetime water pump, a lifetime alternator and a lifetime radiator.
If they want a total of vehicle and have me buy another one, I'm not going to have this $560 freebie on the new to me pickup. I've learned to love these lifetime guarantees from O'Reilly's and Napa. I'm on my third O'Reilly's alternator and that's been on there for a few years. Alternators run about 170 bucks.
As far as the car rental, how many dollars per day is a car rental? If my truck was in the shop for a week, do you think that would be worthwhile for them considering the value of my truck?
I know that there are five shops that won't even give me an estimate on my truck because of its age. They won't work on anything before 2000 and my pickups 1993.
I want to go back to next Thursday and take a different route home. Whatever happens is just going to be a messy inconvenience even if the insurance company is fair with me.