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I’m finishing up that unit today and as I enter the common entrance I was greeted by an 87 ish year old lady and she gave me a big toothless 😊 and said “ Are you having fun yet “ …. I’m not to confident that I’ll be that pleasant at that age, but I hope so, if I make it.
Amazon arrived! Got 3 more of them wooden 3D puzzles to put together and another magnifying glass light so I can see what the heck I’m doing.

The wife is out getting her hair did right now. She’s already texted me telling me that I need to take her hair out tonight. There goes $100 and she won’t be worth a **** tomorrow😂. Or I could not take her out, she’ll be mad at me tomorrow and won’t do anything (being mad at me and being hungover look a lot alike) but I’ll keep my $100. Hmmm, what to do.
Amazon arrived! Got 3 more of them wooden 3D puzzles to put together and another magnifying glass light so I can see what the heck I’m doing.

The wife is out getting her hair did right now. She’s already texted me telling me that I need to take her hair out tonight. There goes $100 and she won’t be worth a **** tomorrow😂. Or I could not take her out, she’ll be mad at me tomorrow and won’t do anything (being mad at me and being hungover look a lot alike) but I’ll keep my $100. Hmmm, what to do.
Make it a good hair day. 😂
Took Mom for a followup on Friday. Chest x-ray is clear. No sign of pneumonia anymore. Bloodwork was all good. Her edema is gone. Her heart is in better condition than mine. She also doesn't have arthritis like I do so she's lucky. Doctor prescribed some physical therapy for her though because she complained about losing her balance more. She also needs her ears checked bc she was not hearing what people were saying to her.

Found the ups (uninterruptible power supply- battery backup) was delivered to the door by UPS. Dragged it inside-- it had stickers that said "HEAVY" on the box. Today I covered all of the vents with dust screen, plugged all unused ports with silicone and plastic plugs, covered any other openings with electrical tape to keep roaches from having hiding spots. Rubbed peppermint oil and Zevo all over it. Got the old ups out of the way and set up the new one. Got a cooling fan to go under the modem. I had to use canned air to get roaches off the bottom of it and then hit it with some peppermint oil. Covered the fan with dust screen to keep roaches out of it. Those suckers would be riding the fan like a ferris wheel otherwise. Tested to make sure it worked. The USB ports on the power strip don't work so I had to use an adapter.

Cooked for Mom and then tried to troubleshoot problems with the central AC. The fan comes on-- I can hear air moving through the ducts-- for a few seconds and then shuts off. It's short-cycling. I turned thermostat from Automatic to Off then to Cool. At first it said "waiting for equipment". Turned breaker off for 30+ min and then turned it back on. Tried Cool again and I could hear sounds from the internal unit like it was cooling the air but the fan still short cycled. Turned AC to Off and then turned fan to circulate. The cooling thing was silent (obviously bc it was off) but the fan was still coming on for a few seconds, shutting off, then waiting several seconds to a minute and running for a few seconds. I checked the filters-- just put new ones in. I poured bleach down the condensate line. Did not go outside to see the unit out there because we had thunderstorms all day and night. If it doesn't rain tomorrow my friend is going to come take a look at things. Sucks that it just started getting warmer so I've been sweating like crazy.
Make it a good hair day. 😂

I’m no dummy, that’s exactly what I did🤓. Took the dog to the bar as well. They have beef jerky there and I always get a bunch of pieces and split em 50/50 between me n the dog. Then I tip the bartender real good cus that’s what ensures my premium service the next time around. That’s a pro tip from me to you, take the old lady out often and tip well.

So I’m on the way home and I think to myself man wouldn’t some McDonald’s fries really hit the spot right about now. Hot, salty, crispy… So I pull into the drive thru and order 2 large fries and a 10 piece nugget, $16. I knew it was gonna hurt but that doesn’t bug me cus I hardly ever pay for this kinda ****, that and I was making the wife pay. Anyway, I get up to the window and I can see a couple people inside talking. I wait for a few then pull up to the second window after nobody inside doing anything. I can see people inside doing there thing but at no time did anybody open the window and acknowledge me. Maybe even say hey, I’m super busy but I’ll be with you in just a sec. Maybe even tell me to piss off but you gotta ant least acknowledge the customer, right??? So after waiting for a few at the second window and nothing happening, I leave.

Did the same thing at Jack in the Box the other morning. I was running late and didn’t get my morning coffee yet so I figured why not, it’s just coffee. I pull up to the window and the gal sets my coffee down right inside the window then walks away. Don’t know where she went but she was gone for long enough for me to say F it and I left. If you can’t even look at me and hold up a finger while you mouth gimmie a sec, I’ll leave once I get pissed off enough over the fact that you couldn’t even acknowledge my presence.
I was at the tool supply store last week looking for a small, cheap pocket plane like my old Stanley one..... were talking small.
I like looking without assistance, because it's fun looking at stuff you don't need in the process. Anyway, I couldn't find the planes. I was in the back of the store looking for 5 minutes and finally found planes, but not the small ones.
I walked back up to the front of the store and asked the two guys at the counter if they had them. One guy said he didn't think so. 🙄
It was a sunny afternoon, I was the only one in the store..... you woulda think that one of those guys would have been bored and walked back to ask if he could help me.
...........next time, I'll wear an outfit that resembles a cell phone. That way they might give a ****. 🫣
Yup, they didn't come to my aid because they were on their phones.
I'm a gray tee-shirt kinda guy. Blue jeans ant tee-shirts rule.
My 20 year old Levi's dress shirt is still in decent shape.... but my arms have apparently gotten a tiny bit longer 🤔
My uncles 88 year old sister passed away recently and my cousins were in town for the occasion.
I went to Goodwill and found a light blue Carhartt long sleeved, double pocket dress shirt..... well, plenty dressy for me. $12 and is like new. Looks like I'll never have to buy another dress shirt, cause I have one now.
Tee shirts aren't the most common ones at funeral services. 😉
Was a nice, relatively small event. I was surprised at the people there that I knew well..... but had no idea that they knew her. ....and after weeks of
.....months of cool, drizzly, rainy weather, it was sunny and mid 70s. Nice day for the event.
....and I got a new shirt 👍
I'm a gray tee-shirt kinda guy. Blue jeans ant tee-shirts rule.
My 20 year old Levi's dress shirt is still in decent shape.... but my arms have apparently gotten a tiny bit longer 🤔
My uncles 88 year old sister passed away recently and my cousins were in town for the occasion.
I went to Goodwill and found a light blue Carhartt long sleeved, double pocket dress shirt..... well, plenty dressy for me. $12 and is like new. Looks like I'll never have to buy another dress shirt, cause I have one now.
Tee shirts aren't the most common ones at funeral services. 😉
Was a nice, relatively small event. I was surprised at the people there that I knew well..... but had no idea that they knew her. ....and after weeks of
.....months of cool, drizzly, rainy weather, it was sunny and mid 70s. Nice day for the event.
....and I got a new shirt 👍

$12 for a nice shirt is a good deal. My buddy is a welder and buys his work shirts from the Goodwill, they’re all nice button up shirts too. No sense spending good money on a work shirt that’s just gonna get ruined.
$12 for a nice shirt is a good deal. My buddy is a welder and buys his work shirts from the Goodwill, they’re all nice button up shirts too. No sense spending good money on a work shirt that’s just gonna get ruined.
Kind of a lucky find. A similar large shirt had sleeves almost an inch shorter. I'm 6' 3" so I'd have to roll up the sleeves for that manly look . 😁
Yeah, a great find. Very comfortable around the chest, sleeve length perfect, plenty to tuck in and an added bonus.... Someone skillfully removed the Carhartt tag next to the pocket.
Their newer shirts have the lable sewn onto the pocket flap so it's probably harder to remove.
I don't like to advertise my wealth. 🤣
My brother and I got a slow start on a large upper hall area. It's 10 by 24 and has a 6 x 7 closet, 4 bedroom doorways to seam and a stairwell coming up one side. There's a bathroom also that has ceramic tile. I might use Z-bar instead of metal. It's flush, so it can't be tucked in. There are also 14 stairs.
Nobody lives in this older home, so I can stop and start whenever I want to.
There was a lady up there today doing laundry and som weeding outside.
She came upstairs late afternoon and asked if I had jumpers. She'd left the back hatch open and the battery died.
Well, I had my super hero jump pack in the pickup and that saved her from having the old man drive up there with his jumpers
.....as Andy Kaufman said:
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CJ, I once ordered my food at McDonalds at drive through, paid at first window, got told to pull up to the white lines to wait for my order and then nothing for 20+ minutes. I was getting hangry and had already paid for my food. After 25min I went inside and asked why my order wasn't ready. They said something about apple pies needing to be cooked. I asked them if they had to go pick the ******* apples first and if it took that long to cook an apple pie, why didn't they tell me it would be such a long wait. Cancel the apple pie and just give me the burgers. They then said they hadn't even started on the burger order yet. I said I wanted my ******* money back (I don't normally talk to food service people like that but I really needed food and was super cranky and the attitude they gave me when I came in to ask about my food was that they didn't give a **** and they were dismissive-- it took me 5 minutes just to get someone to come to the counter after I walked in). They wouldn't give me my money back and they dicked around for another 15 minutes in the back before they finally brought my food to me. They said it would only be 5 minutes but it took them 15.

I also just thought about how I walked into a flooring store when I was looking for new flooring for the house. I walked up to the counter to talk to the clerk to ask for some assistance and he gave me this disgusted look and then turned his back on me. I said "Excuse me" and he completely ignored me. I went and looked around for a bit and then came to ask him a question. Dude would still not speak to me. Then a male customer walked in and he immediately started in with the "How can I help you today, Sir" and I said "Excuse me, but I've been here trying to get your help and you've been ignoring me." He just sneered at me and the other customer apologized to me and the clerk made it clear he wasn't going to help me. I told him "You know what, **** off. I'm redoing floors in my entire house but I guess you don't want the sale so I'll take my business elsewhere." He started to say something to me as I was walking away but I just flipped him off.

At least when you haven't paid its easier to walk away, but I hate when they already have your $.

Anyone remember Ryan's Steakhouse that used to have a buffet and they made you pay in advance and didn't have plates out, you had to wait for them to bring them to you? My whole family once got up and asked for a refund bc the waiter never brought our plates after 20min. Didn't even put water on the table. And I'd gotten up to ask multiple times when we were getting our plates bc I was hungry. That was the last time we ate there for over a decade. They changed their policy and had plates out later on. Not sure if they are in business anymore.

Sorry about your uncle's sister. Funerals suck! A $12 shirt is good though.

Anyway, it rained all day and I slept most of the day. Sinus headache. I'm about to check on Mom and see if she wants food.
Yesterday ( Saint Patty’s Day! ☘️) me, sis, and 2 bros had lunch at a restaurant, then went to visit Mom + Dad at the cemetery 🥲 … Anywho we had Great service and food ! I should have taken a picture. Guess what we had ? Corn beef, cabbage and potatoes 👍 it was amazing 🤩 and beautiful weather too.

Now a few weeks ago I had to walk out of a breakfast place. Hostess sat me down and no one came over for 5 minutes, later on ! And I’ll never be back.

I had a funeral on Saturday, but no monkey suit, since I’m house sitting, so I had to were a button down flooring company work shirt, which is quite nice actually. My friend was happy to see me.
CJ, I once ordered my food at McDonalds at drive through, paid at first window, got told to pull up to the white lines to wait for my order and then nothing for 20+ minutes. I was getting hangry and had already paid for my food. After 25min I went inside and asked why my order wasn't ready. They said something about apple pies needing to be cooked. I asked them if they had to go pick the ******* apples first and if it took that long to cook an apple pie, why didn't they tell me it would be such a long wait. Cancel the apple pie and just give me the burgers. They then said they hadn't even started on the burger order yet. I said I wanted my ******* money back (I don't normally talk to food service people like that but I really needed food and was super cranky and the attitude they gave me when I came in to ask about my food was that they didn't give a **** and they were dismissive-- it took me 5 minutes just to get someone to come to the counter after I walked in). They wouldn't give me my money back and they dicked around for another 15 minutes in the back before they finally brought my food to me. They said it would only be 5 minutes but it took them 15.

I also just thought about how I walked into a flooring store when I was looking for new flooring for the house. I walked up to the counter to talk to the clerk to ask for some assistance and he gave me this disgusted look and then turned his back on me. I said "Excuse me" and he completely ignored me. I went and looked around for a bit and then came to ask him a question. Dude would still not speak to me. Then a male customer walked in and he immediately started in with the "How can I help you today, Sir" and I said "Excuse me, but I've been here trying to get your help and you've been ignoring me." He just sneered at me and the other customer apologized to me and the clerk made it clear he wasn't going to help me. I told him "You know what, **** off. I'm redoing floors in my entire house but I guess you don't want the sale so I'll take my business elsewhere." He started to say something to me as I was walking away but I just flipped him off.

At least when you haven't paid its easier to walk away, but I hate when they already have your $.

Anyone remember Ryan's Steakhouse that used to have a buffet and they made you pay in advance and didn't have plates out, you had to wait for them to bring them to you? My whole family once got up and asked for a refund bc the waiter never brought our plates after 20min. Didn't even put water on the table. And I'd gotten up to ask multiple times when we were getting our plates bc I was hungry. That was the last time we ate there for over a decade. They changed their policy and had plates out later on. Not sure if they are in business anymore.

Sorry about your uncle's sister. Funerals suck! A $12 shirt is good though.

Anyway, it rained all day and I slept most of the day. Sinus headache. I'm about to check on Mom and see if she wants food.
If restaurants were like that here, I'd move to another state and tell Corporate McDonalds exactly why.
...ok, maybe not. 😁
Yeah, not the best reason to buy a shirt, but otherwise I wouldn't have it. Everyone around me is getting old, so I'll probably need it again anyway. 🫣

🫣.....I'm waiting for ⚡ to strike me.
Yesterday ( Saint Patty’s Day! ☘️) me, sis, and 2 bros had lunch at a restaurant, then went to visit Mom + Dad at the cemetery 🥲 … Anywho we had Great service and food ! I should have taken a picture. Guess what we had ? Corn beef, cabbage and potatoes 👍 it was amazing 🤩 and beautiful weather too.

Now a few weeks ago I had to walk out of a breakfast place. Hostess sat me down and no one came over for 5 minutes, later on ! And I’ll never be back.

I had a funeral on Saturday, but no monkey suit, since I’m house sitting, so I had to were a button down flooring company work shirt, which is quite nice actually. My friend was happy to see me.
Nothing improves a funeral like a warm sunny day.
I don't own monkey suits either. I'll shower, smell nice and wear clean clothes, but that's as far as I go.
It is possible to be too warm and sunny for a funeral. People about had heat stroke at some funerals during the summer. Speaking of summer, I know its coming up so I need to get my hair cut. Thinking of just getting it all chopped off. I've found the only thing that makes a funeral better is to not have them. :p
I just remembered a show/documentary about a young man who had a condition where his skin sloughed off. He was planning his funeral and saying he wanted a can of baked beans printed on the coffin. Why? Just so people would look at it and ask "Why is there a can of baked beans there?" He had a great sense of humor about it. Poor thing died during filming. They thought he was asleep at first. I think it was something like The Boy Whose Skin Fell Off. Tragic and depressing, but he was a good sport. Speaking of tragic and depressing, at the vet today there was a woman who brought her little dog in to have him put down. I felt terrible for her and the dog. The dog turned and looked at her and I could see how heartbroken she was when she was talking to the dog. If my dog had looked at me like that, I wouldn't have been able to go through with it. She was trying so hard not to cry and I wanted to cry for her. At least the last time I had a dog put down the dog couldn't even lift her head. She had completely given up on life. It's not something I ever want to do again.

Highup, is the blowgun to drive metal nails or spikes into concrete?

Got up early and took my cat, Lady Sylvanas, to the vet because of a lump on her chest. I was worried it was cancer but knew it could be an abscess. Wanted it treated nonetheless. It was the latter thankfully. She had puncture marks from being bitten by another cat. Vet drained it a bit and then gave her antibiotics. Said to watch it and make sure it doesn't change colors and to clean it if it ruptures/leaks. Cat weighs 13lbs. She's a bit on the conky side.

Fippy just came in and is licking my feet. No idea why. He doesn't normally lick me but he's in lick mode now. LOL.

Anyway, after the vet's office I grabbed McDonalds (bc Mom called to request it). I took out all the full trash bags in the house and cleaned the litterboxes. I'll need a new box of litter soon. Broke up cat fights. Tried to troubleshoot AC. I turned it back on after it being off for hours and the compressor didn't kick on. I went outside to confirm that it was still and silent. Went back in and turned the breakers off and then on again. Waited for thermostat to reboot and then tried turning it to Cool. It said "Waiting for equipment". Pulled the thermostat off and checked the wires, then put it back on tightly. Waited for it to reboot and then waited a few minutes longer before setting it to cool. That time the compressor did come on. Inside fan came on for a few seconds then off. Repeated that. I checked to see the outside unit was running but something is wrong with the inside. Someone suggested a run capacitor is bad. Not sure how to troubleshoot. I don't even know how to take the panels off of either unit. At least it was cool today so it wasn't so bad and I even hauled some trash out to the burn pile.

Boo, my oldest cat, just came running in, slid across my desk, and then pivoted and climbed on me.

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