Gun free zone

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How does your town compare? 2009 there have been 159 police involved shootings.
So far this YEAR, there have been 2740 shootings........ Not By the police.
I've got a great idea. Let's defund the police.
What a novel idea 💡I never heard of that before 😜 ….. Sometimes, or most times us humans or is it aliens 😜 over react and the sensible thing would be to actually do the opposite.

Our need or desire to blame ( an emotional reaction) often wins out over sensible intelligence. 🥲
What a novel idea 💡I never heard of that before 😜 ….. Sometimes, or most times us humans or is it aliens 😜 over react and the sensible thing would be to actually do the opposite.

Our need or desire to blame ( an emotional reaction) often wins out over sensible intelligence. 🥲
It's a shame when 50 years of pointing out a problem accomplishes nothing.
45 years ago multiplying the police force X 5 could have stopped the trend.
The recent defunding the police has done what?
Lives obviously do not matter even slightly in Chicago. All these years and I've come to the conclusion that this is acceptable there. Not just to the governmental bodies and city counsel, but to the residents. They keep voting for this behavior to continue. 😓
It's a shame when 50 years of pointing out a problem accomplishes nothing.
45 years ago multiplying the police force X 5 could have stopped the trend.
The recent defunding the police has done what?
Lives obviously do not matter even slightly in Chicago. All these years and I've come to the conclusion that this is acceptable there. Not just to the governmental bodies and city counsel, but to the residents. They keep voting for this behavior to continue. 😓
Black lives don't matter when it is other blacks doing the shooting. It only matters when a white person kills a gang banger.
Unfortunately, in the pursuit for improvement, us humans over react, elevate the issue higher than necessary, or as it was intended and then sometimes dig in when challenged, because they feel misunderstood.

Real improvement requires flexibility by all parties. When Oliver, ‘ the over-reactor ‘ or perceived as ‘ Over-reacting’ shares their chant for justice, like de-funding anything.
If the listeners apply some understanding and empathy, then the outcome could be
they decide to respond, rather than react in kind. Then Visa-versa as it relates to Charles ‘ the challenger ‘

To simplify, Be as flexible as a bungee cord, in order to hold things together on the bumpy road of life.
The problem is the internet. People grow up today expressing their viewpoints simply as "me too" rather than thinking for themselves. Sadly don't know how that's going to change.
If the internet has made us dumber, maybe it could also make us smarter ?

It all depends on what messages we value. 🤷🏻‍♂️
It makes you and me smarter. It's the people who grew up being babysat by Facebook and Instagram while we were outside building cardboard forts, playing hide and seek and cowboys an Indians, Zorro, Superman and Batman.
When this man, this senator, watches his own cute little anti gun speech, do you wonder how insane his argument against guns looks to rational, sane people. Does he not see the mistake in his argument?
The mistake is cowardice and an obvious systemic failure in training, not guns.
I'm thinking the police thought their job was to stop people from going into the school and getting shot up like the kids..... you know, protecting the citizens. 😣
How a man with this mentality became a senator tells me a lot about voters in his state. 🤧
When this man, this senator, watches his own cute little anti gun speech, do you wonder how insane his argument against guns looks to rational, sane people. Does he not see the mistake in his argument?
The mistake is cowardice and an obvious systemic failure in training, not guns.
I'm thinking the police thought their job was to stop people from going into the school and getting shot up like the kids..... you know, protecting the citizens. 😣
How a man with this mentality became a senator tells me a lot about voters in his state. 🤧

I like Viva Frei he was on the ground when the truckers invaded Ottawa
When this man, this senator, watches his own cute little anti gun speech, do you wonder how insane his argument against guns looks to rational, sane people. Does he not see the mistake in his argument?
Arguments fall into the category of free speech. Arguing about how or why that person is arguing that way could be compared to one gun owner taking away another gun owners gun because it’s not the right gun to have. 🤔

The only way free speech functions properly is if the foundation of expression is respected and not ridiculed or judged, but I get it . Let’s maybe try a different approach where I express and then you express. It’s a ping pong game, respecting the table, paddles, ball, the rules, 😜 and YES ! The opponent too, are you ready ? first one to get 21 by 2 wins that game, then I’ll see you tomorrow for another 😆

That gentleman podcaster has the right to speak and think that way, as does Highup who validates that speech, all I want to do is try to express a different view on where I see a possible misinterpretation of the bigger picture, or intent , from the founding fathers.

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Arguments fall into the category of free speech. Arguing about how or why that person is arguing that way could be compared to one gun owner taking away another gun owners gun because it’s not the right gun to have. 🤔

The only way free speech functions properly is if the foundation of expression is respected and not ridiculed or judged, but I get it . Let’s maybe try a different approach where I express and then you express. It’s a ping pong game, respecting the table, paddles, ball, the rules, 😜 and YES ! The opponent too, are you ready ? first one to get 21 by 2 wins that game, then I’ll see you tomorrow for another 😆

That gentleman podcaster has the right to speak and think that way, as does Highup who validates that speech, all I want to do is try to express a different view on where I see a possible misinterpretation of the bigger picture, or intent , from the founding fathers.

The founding fathers had just got out from under the rule of King George. They wanted to make sure we could fight back and keep our freedoms. That was the purpose of the 2nd. In those days, the people were the militia.
The founding fathers had just got out from under the rule of King George. They wanted to make sure we could fight back and keep our freedoms. That was the purpose of the 2nd. In those days, the people were the militia.
That sounds correct to me Rusty, but What I’m proposing ( read the previous post again ) is that the founding fathers chose Freedom of Religion and Expression as the very first amendment for a very important reason ! And that is so that we give respect and get respect , as mandated in the constitution. Every time someone is ridiculed or judged for a particular interpretation / expression, that’s a violation of the First Amendment.

Speak your mind rigorously, but do so while maintaining respect for others, even when it’s not reciprocated.
That sounds correct to me Rusty, but What I’m proposing ( read the previous post again ) is that the founding fathers chose Freedom of Religion and Expression as the very first amendment for a very important reason ! And that is so that we give respect and get respect , as mandated in the constitution. Every time someone is ridiculed or judged for a particular interpretation / expression, that’s a violation of the First Amendment.

Speak your mind rigorously, but do so while maintaining respect for others, even when it’s not reciprocated.
We lost freedom of speech long ago.
I like Viva Frei he was on the ground when the truckers invaded Ottawa
I was watching Viva quite a while before that, but I never paid much attention to Canada's government, but I paid closer attention to his show during the strike. Man... Canada will never be on my bucket list. (I don't have one)
....I had no clue Trudeau was an admirer of China's communist system. The US is headed that way. Trudeau loves his power and control and listening to him talk makes me feel bad for his prisoners.
For a total commie takeover, he needs Gavin Newsome as his VP.
Peas in a pod.
.......and take BBC and PBS up there too. Disgustingly liberal and partisan.
Just watched the PBS partison hour. 🤧
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Arguments fall into the category of free speech. Arguing about how or why that person is arguing that way could be compared to one gun owner taking away another gun owners gun because it’s not the right gun to have. 🤔

The only way free speech functions properly is if the foundation of expression is respected and not ridiculed or judged, but I get it . Let’s maybe try a different approach where I express and then you express. It’s a ping pong game, respecting the table, paddles, ball, the rules, 😜 and YES ! The opponent too, are you ready ? first one to get 21 by 2 wins that game, then I’ll see you tomorrow for another 😆

That gentleman podcaster has the right to speak and think that way, as does Highup who validates that speech, all I want to do is try to express a different view on where I see a possible misinterpretation of the bigger picture, or intent , from the founding fathers.

The man shot himself in the foot saying more guns is obviously not the answer.
He said there were almost 400 policemen on sight....... With guns.....
.....guns meant to protect those kids
.....they made no effort to rush in and use their guns to eliminate the threat.
They waited till all the kids were dead, then hoped the gunman was finally out of ammo.... the POLICE could be safe to go in ?
Where were all of the heros? I guess none of them had kids there.
Maybe the parents needed the guns that day and not even bothered the police.
The man shot himself in the foot saying more guns is obviously not the answer.
I like the double meaning / Irony of that statement High, but please elaborate on your thoughts. However, I challenge you to listen to his comments again, but this time without a preconceived notion that this guy has an agenda. Take his comments on face value and then give us your free speech reply.