Can you provide a source for the 98% stat? It doesn't seem within limits of plausibility.
I'm not going to vouch for Rusty's statistics but there are predominantly black neighborhoods and predominatly black gangs in those inner city "neighborhoods"
Would it be surprising if that way of life created those kind of numbers or statistics?
His comments are not a racial comment, it's a statistical comment.
Racial comments pit one group against another. Statistics don't because they're just numbers based on something observed and recorded.... tabulated.
The rest of the city, the rest of the state, probably doesn't even slightly compare to those numbers.
What if in reality Rusty is wrong of the number is only 93%?
A small difference one way or the other doesn't really make any difference. The problem, or question is.....
...... How do you reverse the mentality in those parts of the city and give younger kids a chance for a way out of it.
I'm not running for office but trade schools, trade schools, trade schools.
Those kids need a cutting torches, grinders, wrenches and other tools of trades so they can find something meaningful in their lives.
Heck let's include heavy equipment operation.... Bulldozers and cranes, smashing stuff. It would give them or provide them with their sense of power but doing something meaningful in the process. If you're doing something meaningful, it makes you feel good inside.
These kids don't feel good inside.
Every one of these cities is democrat ruled and lack district attorneys that believe in law enforcement and jail time.
I honestly believe these cities don't want to fix the problem for some reason.
They could have started working on these problems 30, 40, or 50 years ago. How how in a country with rules and laws has this been allowed to happen? How is this amount of violence ever allowed to get this far?
It's not the guns, guns have nothing to do with this whatsoever.
If guns were the problem, Hollywood would have quit making movies with guns. Instead they embrace guns and they embrace violence in movies and then turn around and say guns are bad.
It's not the guns. It's the mentality and the upbringing of the people using them.