Did you know or do you care, the NRA is the one who pushed having the current background check? Without them, it would not exist.Ok, let’s try this, because I refuse to believe there’s no movement to be had, but let’s first explain some intentions.
The MPPPP squad ( medical staff, phycologist, Parents, Police, Parole officers, hey ! Let’s add another ‘P’ Preachers ) are not in place to eliminate gang bang shootings, but to assist gun shop owners to minimize selling guns to troubled law abiding citizens…… I think we just had another tragedy and I believe the gun was legally purchased by a troubled 18 year old. This is what the Phycological kiosk testing or actual interviews and certification testing is all about. To only sell guns to stable, well intentioned citizens, who possess the appropriate skills to carry. How that is treading on someone’s fundamental right is beyond my comprehension…… When we say the pledge of allegiance, we end by saying, for liberty and justice for all ! Not ourselves only…
If the establishment thinks it will help prevent one out of 100 senseless shootings, then imho, it’s worth giving up some time and privacy, for Liberty and Justice for all.
Just like the CFI, an organization with the motto P.R.I.D.E. ( professionalism , responsibility, integrity, dependability, Education) There intention is to honor the trade and the customer ( for all ! ) SO ! can the NRA BE A LEADER ?…. Just because some members of CFI ARE imposter’s doesn’t mean the organization is not important / necessary. Here’s a philosophy moment….. we never know when mentorship awakens in someone but if we never mentor in the first place then PRIDE remains asleep.
If the NRA and its members continues to shut out the views of the opposition, because of what I see, IMHO as Proudly and Patriotically quoting ‘ The Second ‘ rather than listening with IMHO sensible ears or a give and take approach, then it’s quite possible, eventually the fear of gun removal could possibly actually come true.
In conclusion:
The ball is in the NRA’s court. And The next move the NRA makes will determine its future. HINT ! Start cleaning up the purchasing process by attempting to Certify gun ownership to individuals who possess proper intentions and gun readiness. We are not looking for perfection, just practical ideas to minimize tragedies and To give potential victims and suspects a fighting chance to live.
I believe 60 minutes recently did a program on a gun shop owner who has taken the responsibility to interview each new customer and in doing so has saved numerous lives from suicide. This individual would be my pick for the next NRA Leader
PS> in the meantime, metal detectors, security cameras, armed guards and Teachers is probably a good idea also.
Oh and in 2019, 12,000 were caught lying on the BG check, a felony punishable by 15 years and the government charged 12. ......12 out of 12,000. If they would enforce the current laws, it would probably make a difference. Since they won't, what makes you think they would enforce any new ones?
Did you know, if you remove the gang murders, the US would have one of the lowest gun homicide rates in the world? And most of the guns used in gang shootings were stolen or purchased illegally. But, there again, most gang violence is in cities where Democrats control and they refuse to lock up black men because it would hurt their votes. Black men are around 5% of the total population and commit 60% of all murders and 70% of all violent crime.
Even the FBI statistics show that is rare for a legal gun owner to commit a crime. Percentage wise, even the police commit more crime than legal private gun owners. And new laws only end up punishing those who are not criminals. So, no, we don't need any more gun laws.