Too bad he didn't have a crossbow.
Too bad he didn't have a crossbow.
I will just stick with the 2nd. It has worked for a long time. I will not give up my guns. When I was working in KC, a gun saved me twice from at the very least getting mugged, maybe killed.We can’t control parenting styles but we can control who we allow to purchase a gun.
If the MPPPP Squad receives a call from a concerned family member, friends, or anyone, they simply dispatch a private investigator to observe and take action as needed. Owning a gun comes with responsibilities ! Break those responsibilities or codes of conduct and you will need to take a class. Gun owners need to be held to a higher standard.
If you want to express your second amendment, you must demonstrate you’re a responsible citizen to do so.
Look at it this way…. You wouldn’t want untrained people , with the wrong skills and equipment climbing a mountain above you, because now the life of a properly trained and equipped climber below them is at risk. The slope is slippery
That’s why we need to regulate who’s allowed to climb and carry the equipment.
Ironically, I would not be apposed to having secret militia groups, as long as each member passed the MPPPP Squad gun readiness class. We can’t do this without the NRA, They really do need to step up and be the parent you are looking for. Yes ! It starts at home, but it also doesn’t end there.
And why should or will you. You’re a responsible gun owner. No one is coming, but I think I get it. Just the thought of any type of control, above and beyond today’s process is concerning.. I will not give up my guns.
Prosecute criminals. At the present time, Democrat prosecutors keep turning loose criminals over and over. Arm teachers and/or have armed guards. There is a school district about 30 miles from here that has had a sign up for 20 years. It warns that some faculty and other staff might be armed. If a school district cannot afford guards, they could get enough retired veterans who would volunteer.Dam Rusty you’re well informed and quite knowledgeable, BUT ! Is that knowledge preventing growth.
Rather than being preoccupied and concerned with the opposition, what would be an idea worth pursuing, on your point of view around the second ? ….In other words, what do you want to see happen to keep children safe at school.
If they did all that Rusty then they wouldn't have an excuse to take our guns.Prosecute criminals. At the present time, Democrat prosecutors keep turning loose criminals over and over. Arm teachers and/or have armed guards. There is a school district about 30 miles from here that has had a sign up for 20 years. It warns that some faculty and other staff might be armed. If a school district cannot afford guards, they could get enough retired veterans who would volunteer.
Question number one: hey Joe, how’s work, kids and the wife ? ….. answer > I lost my job, kids failing out of school, and the wife is drinking and running around…..Maybe we could help Joe by not selling him another gun, and encourage him to voluntarily put guns in storage until his next inspection. An unstable gun owning home is a risk to the community.
Im all for keeping guns out of the hands of crazy people preparing to commit a heinous act but it’s not that simple
Don't know about now, but we got no test in the army other that marksmanship. Besides,all your ideas would violate my rights, so NO.Exactly, not simple at all, that’s why a formal plan of action needs to be implemented. I’m sure the armed forces give each soldier a phycological test for gun readiness. The last thing your fellow soldiers want out in the field is a nervous soldier, because mistakes could happen. My three profiling questions come from a Carpet installer and like you said JP need to be cleaned up by the Professionals.
I’ll try to dive deeper into the profiling test. Each customer is given a grade and that grade determines whether you can A ) walk out with a gun. B) Can purchase, but need to keep the gun at the gun club or rifle range for a period of observation, before taking possession. C) Must take classes and pass the test 100% before moving up to plan B. …….. and so on and so forth.
Here’s the thing : Right now we have two groups that are exaggerating their views, creating noise over progress and we need to strap on a pair and do the work already.
All you Grandfathers are Grandfathered in
The UK took guns, now they have a knife problem. You cannot purchase even a pocket knife in the UK unless you are 18, but gang stabbings are common. There are more deaths with blunt objects, hammers, feet, fists every year than with all rifles. Ban them?The CFI installer has had training.
He passes all the tests in flying colors.
Around doorways he puts one nail in each piece of tack strip.
He doesn't seal his seams.
The instruction and certification does what?
How many thugs, drug dealers and criminals purchase guns legally?
How many percent of crime and murders are done by gang bangers, drug dealers/buyers and criminals?
They won't have any instruction or certification.
How many people have purchased guns legally and had no mental health issues......
... Then at some point in their life snapped over personal or other life issues and shot up their family or coworkers? I'm betting there's a lot of shootings that have happened under this scenario. These people weren't crazy when they purchased the weapons but they already had them and had them legally. How would you stop something like this from happening?
You can't. You cannot stop nor predict "crazy"
The only option is to take away everybody's guns that's the only reason the government would like a permanent record of gun purchases.
Like was mentioned, metal detectors and security guards at schools and harsher sentences for criminals to keep them behind bars. If someone uses a knife to rob a convenience store or starts stabbing people in a bar, I would have no problem confiscating that person's guns and banning them from ever having firearms once they get out of jail. Ok, so they eventually get out of jail, and now can't legally purchase a firearm. They're most likely going to get one illegally anyway, so law abiding people jumping through all the hoops to legally obtain a firearm does what? A required one hour course for a first-time gun buyer on proper handling of a gun wouldn't be all that objectionable to me. It might keep some guy from shooting his foot while he's loading or unloading his gun. Send everybody home with gun safety manual so they can study more in depth. Include a booklet from the state explaining gun laws in that state. I don't have objection to something simple and cheap.
What happened over time in Canada can happen here in the US and that's why there's such a fight for the second amendment. Once they get their foot far enough in the door with rules and regulations, the US will just turn into Canada.
That’s great but what about the 30 year old school teacher from the suburbs who never even saw a gun but decides it’s time to own one?By age 8, I was hunting and cleaning rabbits by myself. My grandkids were shooting before they went to middle school. Most of the kids around here own a gun young, and we have very, very, few shootings.
The CFI installer has had training.
He passes all the tests in flying colors.
Around doorways he puts one nail in each piece of tack strip.
He doesn't seal his seams.
The instruction and certification does what?
How many thugs, drug dealers and criminals purchase guns legally?
stable, well intentioned citizens