Gun free zone

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Sure, should be up to the owner to decide if they want guns on their property... The signs will come in handy for the crooks too…They’ll know which stores to rob…🤓
There is nothing for a shop owner to ask you to leave if he thinks you are carrying and has a sign saying no guns allowed. It's their shop, not ours. It's like, no shirt, no shoes, no service.
There is nothing for a shop owner to ask you to leave if he thinks you are carrying and has a sign saying no guns allowed. It's their shop, not ours. It's like, no shirt, no shoes, no service.
Here in Missouri, the sign must be of a state mandated size and shape with a certain size letters. Otherwise, it is not legal. But a store owner can still make you leave. If you violate the sign, it is a ticket like a traffic ticket and does not impair your right to carry.
It's hard for me to understand stricter gun laws that would hinder some peoples inalienable rights to protect their personal property.
In this instance one of the combatants used TILES as a deadly weapon. The only way to stop a bad man with a tile is a good man with a tile...........or maybe a gun.
Here you go rusty, see if you can find the facts behind his comment.
I don't doubt it.

He tells the truth, Democrats don't want to listen. Just like child gun deaths, they include gang bangers up to age 25 as children. So far this year in Chicago, over 1200 shootings and 98% were done by blacks.
He tells the truth, Democrats don't want to listen. Just like child gun deaths, they include gang bangers up to age 25 as children. So far this year in Chicago, over 1200 shootings and 98% were done by blacks.
Can you provide a source for the 98% stat? It doesn't seem within limits of plausibility.
Can you provide a source for the 98% stat? It doesn't seem within limits of plausibility.
I'm not going to vouch for Rusty's statistics but there are predominantly black neighborhoods and predominatly black gangs in those inner city "neighborhoods"
Would it be surprising if that way of life created those kind of numbers or statistics?
His comments are not a racial comment, it's a statistical comment.
Racial comments pit one group against another. Statistics don't because they're just numbers based on something observed and recorded.... tabulated.
The rest of the city, the rest of the state, probably doesn't even slightly compare to those numbers.
What if in reality Rusty is wrong of the number is only 93%?
A small difference one way or the other doesn't really make any difference. The problem, or question is.....
...... How do you reverse the mentality in those parts of the city and give younger kids a chance for a way out of it.
I'm not running for office but trade schools, trade schools, trade schools.
Those kids need a cutting torches, grinders, wrenches and other tools of trades so they can find something meaningful in their lives.
Heck let's include heavy equipment operation.... Bulldozers and cranes, smashing stuff. It would give them or provide them with their sense of power but doing something meaningful in the process. If you're doing something meaningful, it makes you feel good inside.
These kids don't feel good inside.
Every one of these cities is democrat ruled and lack district attorneys that believe in law enforcement and jail time.
I honestly believe these cities don't want to fix the problem for some reason.
They could have started working on these problems 30, 40, or 50 years ago. How how in a country with rules and laws has this been allowed to happen? How is this amount of violence ever allowed to get this far?
It's not the guns, guns have nothing to do with this whatsoever.
If guns were the problem, Hollywood would have quit making movies with guns. Instead they embrace guns and they embrace violence in movies and then turn around and say guns are bad.
It's not the guns. It's the mentality and the upbringing of the people using them.
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  • “Detectives had even less success solving the 2,021 nonfatal shootings in Chicago last year. Only 9.5 percent of those shootings were “cleared” by detectives. But of those cleared cases only 126, or about 6 percent, lead to charges against shooters, the data shows.”
I think the people “collecting data” pull a lot of these stats out of the air. If the above is true, or even slightly true, how can they possibly know who committed 98% of the shootings? Based on the neighborhood where the shootings occurred? I mean it might be a good guess but that’s all it is.

We all know the problems with inner city gangs, and that’s where the vast majority of gun violence occurs. Usually low level drug dealers fighting over territory. And My guess would be all committed with unregistered weapons. No solution in sight. Saddest part I see is it’s mostly children doing all the shooting and killing…🥲
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Science is all about questioning the scientist, research methodology, collection and analysis of statistics, institutional bias, journals that publish the studies and so on. Really when you boil it down that's what it's about. One experiment and study published is (always) meant to lead to more, better designed research to confirm or deny the truth. In fact, amongst the highest acheivements a scientist can earn is being cited in subsequent research. A Google Scholar is judged by his h-index or i10-index meaning his study lead other scientists toward more research. Here's a completely random example of an anonymous Scholar: Marco Mravic

How the stats are then presented by the media and used by the public enters into another realm----------usually political/religious/philosophical. I think most people get confused or at least choose the wrong words when they criticize "The Stats". The vast majority do not understand The Scientific Method. But at the same time they can smell BS when it's piled up too high and a little too close to home.
Science is all about questioning the scientist, research methodology, collection and analysis of statistics, institutional bias, journals that publish the studies and so on. Really when you boil it down that's what it's about. One experiment and study published is (always) meant to lead to more, better designed research to confirm or deny the truth. In fact, amongst the highest acheivements a scientist can earn is being cited in subsequent research. A Google Scholar is judged by his h-index or i10-index meaning his study lead other scientists toward more research. Here's a completely random example of an anonymous Scholar: Marco Mravic

How the stats are then presented by the media and used by the public enters into another realm----------usually political/religious/philosophical. I think most people get confused or at least choose the wrong words when they criticize "The Stats". The vast majority do not understand The Scientific Method. But at the same time they can smell BS when it's piled up too high and a little too close to home.
We’ll said Incognito,
Truth is a constant pursuit, being broken down by the next generation of Scholars, and for us, it’s a way to feel order in our world.

What we know as Truth today may change tomorrow because of our inherent desire to change. One day we see what’s in front of us and the next day we see what’s behind us.

Story time : met with my pinochle friends last night. They are devoted Christians with signs on their lawns. “ Jesus, make America Godly again “ and in a way, they are giving some credit to the slogan
“ make America great again “ ….Well my subconscious was chewing on that last night and I woke 😉 up, ( had to pee )sat on the philosophical throne and had a mini-revelation on maybe why many Devout Christians accept the Gop front runner as he is..…It’s because he has a unique set of skills, all be it not promotable to them and their values, but maybe necessary with what they are up against ( perceived demonic actions of none-believers ) and ! that’s actually an understandable Truth to them and for a brief moment, now to me also. And, As I place myself in their shoes of this believed Truth, what is true for them has now become true to me, and now I can see them differently through understanding. Could this understanding be the catalyst towards progress ?

Remember though ! Truth is beyond our control. It’s Seen, heard , felt, lived, but never controlled, because of the frailty of those senses, and the ability to translate truth through perspective and perception. Even though truth is a fact and reality. 🤔 We can still miss-read it and make it untrue. SO ! let’s give Truth the attention it deserves by recognizing its purpose. Truth is the starting point for everything, but not the finish line for everyone. I wouldn’t start shooting perceived enemies to validate truth, I would start shooting the fixation on finding Truth, and replace it with Finding Understanding around truth.

dad says.jpg
I would start shooting the fixation on finding Truth, and replace it with Finding Understanding around truth.

Around the truth? That doesn't make sense to me. There's enough of a challenge to humanity finding truths, relevant data, valid statistics and intelligent analysis.

Everything not working towards that or from that I cant see wasting time with.
Well here it goes. I believe if kids were Disciplined Like me and my friends were when we were young. We wouldn't have a lot of these problems.. When me and another kid had a problem my dad made me go out there and fight them with my fists. We both went home bruised but went home Usually with more respect for each other. And if I got out of line My dad was not afraid to hit me Because the police would come and arrest him. As Far as my guns go well I will give you mine when you take all the Criminals away 1st. And that includes our government the biggest criminals of all. Guns are what keep the citizens safe from the government. Just like the 2nd amendment says.
I believe the answer is strong background checks mental health services and allowing parents to discipline their children Before they are out of hand.
Sorry for all the liberals who are offended by this but it's just how I see it.
Around the truth? That doesn't make sense to me. There's enough of a challenge to humanity finding truths, relevant data, valid statistics and intelligent analysis.

Everything not working towards that or from that I cant see wasting time with.

Around the truth, means to employ empathy for others while you’re doing the analysis, otherwise everything comes to a halt while we’re battling over the truth.
I would understand "empathy" in discussions------laymen, media, politicans, philosophers.........

But NO, empathy is not part of scientific learning-------collection and interpretation of DATA. It's an absolute distraction. Kinda..........the FIRST THING you need to know about real science is to remove emotions and preconceptions. Capisce?