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  1. J

    How to raise entire floor 1/8"

    Ken remember this trip?
  2. J

    How to raise entire floor 1/8"

    Ken its good to see you found us ,As I was not quick enough to grab it earlier from that other site Hope you are all good
  3. J

    Daris did you ever get our pretty money?

    Daris I am wondering if you ever got our pretty money or is the postage really that slow ?:)
  4. J

    Current news

    You guys will be right now that our PM is sorting out your boss :)
  5. J

    The hassles I am having

    Kinda worked out that the Bank wants to see both of us together to protect my interests so we will do that to keep it simple and go with the flow. I hope by doing this it will be making my original questions go away :) So at the moment we are awaiting for a Disabled Parking Certificate to...
  6. J

    The hassles I am having

    Also accountant maybe interested in certain different deals I have going more than a lawyer would be
  7. J

    The hassles I am having

    I agree and until I find out what the will actually says, I dont have a copy, everything could already be sorted what I a trying to do at the moment is just getting all my ducks in a row so that any questions which pop up I have already thought about Well I have nothing to do each day except...
  8. J

    The hassles I am having

    Makes you pull your hair out eh I remember years ago while in America trying to find out where one of our suitcases was as it never arrived at the airport with us .Airline was sending it to the hotel, when we asked at the reception if they had seen it. was told I dont get paid enough to think...
  9. J

    The hassles I am having

    Your not getting it I kept telling them I cant walk and their reply was there is wheel chair parking at some banks What part of finding it very hard for me to get around dont they understand to keep telling me there wheel chair parking ? I even wrote it in English in an English speaking country:)
  10. J

    The hassles I am having

    We are getting there Hav What makes it hard is that the questions I asked the bank were in a way should have been a standard answer yes or no Okay I can live with having to go to the bank to make any changes BUT when I tell the bank I have difficulty getting around they say wheel chair parking...
  11. J

    The hassles I am having

  12. J

    The hassles I am having

    I do understand why banks, doctors have things in place to prevent people who are not able to rip others off etc No problem for me BUT there must be others who are worse off than me having to sort out their details What do you think of my banks reply to my questions? PC gone to far Re: General...
  13. J

    What did you do today?

    And when are you going to get into metric measurements like the rest of the world? :) And drive on the left hand side of the road? :)
  14. J

    Current news

    Sounds like a mean machine You could use it for work :)