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  1. M

    Carpet Repair only as side business

    The best thing I ever learned from doing repair work is to explain to people that all repairs come with a certain amount of risk and not everything can be made better. That being said, I often find anything is better in some circumstances. There have been some wild adventures I find myself on...
  2. M

    Questions about current practices in Tiling

    That is a sad tale of sorrow. Here are some fine points to consider... If you don't start with a flat floor, you don't end with a flat floor. Lash clips are a joke when used by most people and will result in hollow tile. They do work, but they aren't a magic fairy that makes tile setting easy...
  3. M

    Carpet Repair only as side business

    You could literally make an income from just doing restretches for insurance companies, home owners and lazy store owners. There is a large segment of the industry that is underserved and it is carpet. If you can manage to get into a niche with the right people I would say it would be a win...
  4. M

    What did you do today?

    Not on the floor working your hardest I will assume :)
  5. M

    What did you do today?

    A shroud that has come off has never gone back on to a vehicle I own
  6. M

    What did you do today?

    I do all my own. I have a head gasket to do on a 2006 pacifica I'm not looking forward to. I do not look forward to the day when my body won't let me anymore.... and at the rate I am going it could be as early as tomorrow 😁
  7. M

    Layout for Marmo

    I still say you run it in shorts, the seams aren't in the light, it runs with the flow and it is easier. Easier is good when you have an explanation
  8. M

    Layout for Marmo

    That's why forbo started making it in tiles. That and no one knows how to lay the sheets anymore and their markets marketshare was steadily declining.
  9. M

    What did you do today?

    Those damn heater core lines are in the stupidest of places, without fail, every time.
  10. M

    Layout for Marmo

    They do, but it comes in 2 pieces =)
  11. M

    What did you do today?

    I scrapped a 2007 ford focus wagon because I got so pissed off at trying to change the starter. I swear to God they want you to pull the engine they put them in such mental places. Then a bolt got stripped and then the wreckers came and got it. Bought another junk car for about the same as a...
  12. M

    Layout for Marmo

    Short runs make baby Jesus happy and they flow with the doors something something...
  13. M

    What did you do today?

    They most certainly are not. Haydite is a clay and shale and some other nonsense, gypcrete is a gypsum based concrete being gypsum, sand and portland cement. You would not often if ever find a floor composed of haydite, I know I have never seen one. Mostly pavers and blocks. Nor have I ever seen...
  14. M

    What did you do today?

    Finally got all my crap stuffed back into my "office" which is really just 34 sqft of a hallway my kid uses to get to her room.... but give me an inch and ill stuff in a mile. I think that's how that goes
  15. M

    Fixing Flaws in Polyurethane Final Coat

    Screen it off and coat it again is all I got, after killing the cat of course
  16. M

    What did you do today?

    The groove goes over the tongue. Other than that, shiny side up and you are good to go my man. .... if only there were some people who knew something about such things that would be willing to help 🤔
  17. M

    What did you do today?

    When I said ceramic and carpet.. what I really meant to say was ceramics and hardwood. Man alive, i clearly am retarded lol
  18. M

    What did you do today?

    Elder Scrolls Online DownLoadable Content I am helping. Did not seem to have any trouble with the 770 sqft of hardwood I see :)
  19. M

    Mixed flooring

    I would just pick whatever you like. If you like it, it looks good. That is basically my understanding of home design.
  20. M

    What did you do today?

    Today at work we slammed 770 sqft of 7.5 inch hardwood down, glue assist over plywood. Now I wish I were dead. I did reward myself with finally purchasing ESO because it was on sale with all the DLC for round about 30 dollars and that sounded like a bargain and it is winter time which is video...