I started with a $99 delta chop saw and a $99 delta table saw. Worked great for doing flooring. Don’t remember how that saw died but it musta because my next saw was a used Craftsman that I bought for $50 from a friend. It worked great until I ripped a 2x4 and it never made another cut after that

. I was in the middle of building my deck so I had to bite the bullet and go buy a new one right then and there. That’s when I went to HD and choked on dropping $350 on a Dewalt job site saw.
That was maybe 15+ years ago that I bought my Dewalt. Still have it and it’s still going strong. The new Dewalt I picked up was $399. Only $50 more for a similar saw 15 years later?? Yeah one is 10” and the other is 8.25” but what are you ripping with a job site saw that that makes that much of a difference anyway. Plus my new saw came with a riving knife

I think the compact SawStop is $900 and you’ll need a stand for it. So now we’re talking $1200 minimum for a compact saw that’s only going to ever be so accurate because it’s a compact saw. Then you gotta think about every time that thing pops of you can see two crisp hundred dollar bills floating away to the heavens. Now your saw is down until you replace the blade and cartridge so you better have a spare blade and cartridge on hand. Now you’re up to $1500… for a compact job site saw. Even though it has the ‘technology’, I can’t bring myself to dump that much money for one. That’s like buying a Kapex and I don’t have one of them either.