We are having hardwood flooring installed and are having an issue with acclimatization. Our subfloor is at 9-9.5%. The installer wants the new flooring to be within 2% for the install. We opened the box ends of the new flooring, Acacia, and it was at 6.5%. He said it should get up to at least 7.5% before we install it. We have multiple moisture readers and the installer checked with his. All agreed our house stays between 40-50% most of the time with a few dips down to 36-53%. Temp stays between 68-71 F. The acacia has been open in our house for 5 weeks now. It has lowered from 6.5 down to 3.5%. Why is it going the wrong way? The installer is stumped. He left his moisture monitoring units in the house for a week and it showed a humidity range of 42-51% and temp range from 68-70F during that week. During that week the acacia lowered from 4 to 3.5%. Every chart I look at says the wood should be around 8-9% in those conditions. We have tried multiple pin type moisture meters and had other installers come out with their equipment to double check and they all agree within about .3-.5%.