Any info on Genwood Engineered Hardwood flooring?

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Feb 7, 2014
I had a flooring installer bring a sample of "Genwood" Engineered hardwood flooring. I can't find any information on it, so I am skeptical about the quality of it. He claims it is a quality product. Does anyone have any info on this brand?
This is all I found so far,

Tri-West Inc., a distributor based in Santa Fe Springs, California sold Genwood as a private label product. You may be able to to get more information from them.
Found this on another forum.

Our local flooring dealer has a brand called Genwood but we can't find any information on line about this company. Is there anyone that can help us or direct us to information about this company. I saw from your website that general flooring in NJ lists Genwood as a brand they carry however, I find it odd that you can't find anything on line about this brand. The interesting thing is that the exact color we are considering is long listed on line with a company Ark, which interestingly is a subsidiary of a Chinese corp A& W group. Any information you have about Genwood or can direct me too would be appreciated unless Ark absorbed the Genwood company. Thank you

and this

Tri-West Inc., a distributor based in Santa Fe Springs, California sold Genwood as a private label product. You may be able to to get more information from them.
I have the manufacturer's sample board in my house. It's definitely Genwood. It makes me think I probably want to use a better-known product, don't you think?
Bruce don't make a bad piece . I have it installed in my brothers kitchen for five years now with no problems , or signs of ware , and there is a lot of traffic there .
Mohawk has bought Columbia W-Wood and probably other companies. Bruce, Colombia, Somerset, Hartco are all American H-Wood companies and make good products.among others.
Anderson is my fav for engineered. As far as I know it's all American. I could be wrong on that tho. Although I just got done with a big install of diamond living flooring. It's the best Chinese flooring I've ever used. I'm selling a ton of it. My sales rep says it's by far the #1 seller over the last year.

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I'm a hardwood floor specialist, own a company with my husband doing installs/refinishing. GENWOOD is General Floor exclusive product and it's an excellent choice for the price.
Genwood is a private label that General Floor has the rights to. All Genwood is from top manufacturers with only the highest quality. All Genwood is #1 grade no seconds and thirds like box stores. Hope this information helps