Cat pee removal

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Will work for food
Supporting Member
Mar 6, 2011
A client/friend wants to replace the pad on a stair landing, then have the carpet cleaned. I'm betting the tack strip too. Cat pee problem.
I read or saw online, a long time back about putting plastic over the pad, and kicking it back into place lightly, then deep cleaning the carpet without fear of over wetting the pad. I recall they literally dumped a bucket of cleaner solution on the carpet and extracted it.
What would be the best way to clean the carpet?
I know companies like Belfor remove and dry carpets that have been flooded......... would it be best to see if anyone will clean a small piece of carpet like this if I remove it and take it too them?
I'd think a citrus based cat pee cleaner from a janitorial supply company might work too. Some work extremely well............ I'm thinking to lay the carpet in the driveway, soak it in cleaner, then hose it off, vacuum, then and let it dry. .........maybe rinse and repeat. ;)
The carpet has been in for over ten years if I had to guess, and being a landing, I don't know the condition of the backing. I may know that tomorrow afternoon.

Ok, the best method for cleaning it is.............................
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I did a job once where a new homeowner was renovating a home they bought I replaced the carpet in a room in the basement and until I pulled out the carpet, I couldn't tell there was ever a cat in the house. When I lifted the carpet from the strip, I could see the backing had been litterally soaked and the tackstrip too.............. no pins left. :eek:
The guy had sprayed the lower paneling and carpet with some citrus based cat pee stuff he got from a janitorial supply store. Amazing what it did. Even as I removed the carpet the smell wasn't bad. He used the spray knowing the carpet was going to be replaced.......... the room stunk enough that he used the spray as a temporary fix.
A cat sprayed the side of my shop vac. Nasty thick smelly stuff. I misted it with a shower product called "Lime-Away" and the next morning I couldn't smell the pee at all..... I doubt that stuff is good for carpet.
I had a job one time rip up soaked in Piss . I was throwing it in the dumpster, and guys were jumping in and putting it in their trucks . :sick:
I use to use 100% lemon juice to spray the floor .

Then i just started painting it with Kiltz.
I'll see tomorrow what the damage is under the carpet. Homeowner says there's fir floor on the landing. If it's fir and not soaked with pee, I suppose a clear coat shellac would probably seal any smell. If the wood looks even 1/2 way decent, she'd rather leave the wood floor for now and chuck the carpet. They will replace the carpet on the stairs at some point, but not right now.
They have had that landing cleaned twice by professionals and honestly, I don't smell anything. No stains either. Her husband says he has a more sensitive nose.
I'm wondering if the smell is on the base and walls, or possibly the riser of the last step. I guess we will find out tomorrow.

I just throw away old piss soaked carpet.

That may happen.
First kill all the cats.

Then kill all the rest of the cats in the neighborhood for good measure.

No more cat piss.

The guy is a bar pilot.......... He pilots large ships into Portland. I joked with my brother saying that maybe tomorrow is 'take your cat to work day'
"ooops honey, the Tabitha fell overboard" :boating: :D
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I say kill it with Killz!! There are actually some paints designed specifically for covering up bad smells and I think Killz is one of them. I'm probably going to have to do that with my floor in my front room because the dogs have peed on the rug so much. My brother has a puppy in there and he didn't leave it with puppy pads and it has made a horrible mess. I also have 13 cats. I'm going to have to pull the carpet in the hallway and replace it with something else.
easier to replace the cats Z. You have to realize their urine is used to mark Territory .

Had to trade in a car once because the cat peed in it on the way to the vet .

Nice way to say thanks . :mad:
I'll see tomorrow what the damage is under the carpet. Homeowner says there's fir floor on the landing. If it's fir and not soaked with pee, I suppose a clear coat shellac would probably seal any smell. If the wood looks even 1/2 way decent, she'd rather leave the wood floor for now and chuck the carpet. They will replace the carpet on the stairs at some point, but not right now.
They have had that landing cleaned twice by professionals and honestly, I don't smell anything. No stains either. Her husband says he has a more sensitive nose.
I'm wondering if the smell is on the base and walls, or possibly the riser of the last step. I guess we will find out tomorrow.

That may happen.

You do know that a tom cat can spray the ceiling?
Nick, I love my kitties too much. My father loved cats and passed that on to us. We actually rescue cats and sometimes foster them.

The cat pee problem was partially from sick cats who were trying to let us know something was wrong (they had cancer). I've lost four cats to cancer in the last few years. Some of my dumbo cats manage to tip over the litterboxes though and the mats under them keep getting moved. I need to move the litterboxes.

We need to replace the kitchen floor anyway, and I think vinyl plank would be nicer than carpet-- easier to clean. The carpet that I want to replace is in a hallway that isn't terribly large.

The front room used to have really nice plywood floors with a painted pattern, but we had tenants who somehow burned a hole in the floor (all the way down to the subfloor) and ruined it so we had carpet put over when we evicted them and moved back in. They didn't pay a security deposit and didn't even pay rent for years, but we were overseas so we couldn't do anything about it.

The dog pee is worse than the cat pee IMO because the dogs just pee EVERYWHERE. My older dogs chew the puppy training pads instead of peeing on them. I only let them in now because the weather has been getting over with heat indexes of 107.

I wonder if a carpet shampooer vacuum thingy will work at all to get rid of the dog pee smell. Probably not.
No Z , it won't work .

I had a cat to at one time . he was smarter then a lot of people i know . He also used the outdoors to do his business only because he was to small to reach the flush handle . :)
I've heard you should never teach a cat to flush. They will abuse that power. But I've heard cats can be trained to use the toilet.
My cats aren't allowed in the bathrooms at all, so that is a non-issue.

by the by, I discovered that some vinyl sheet doesn't wipe clean of cat pee very easily. LOL.
Yes , you put a piece of cardboard with a little hole in it , then little by little you make it bigger till it stands on the toilet . Remember not to leave the seat up .:)
I use a simple homemade solution to get rid of the cat pee smell from the carpet:

Fiirstly get some white vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, liquid hand soap and baking soda.

If the spot is still wet then blot the area with a paper towel to absorb the moisture

Mix equal parts of water to vinegar and then pour the mixture over the affected area.

Then sprinkle the baking soda over the spot
Stir up the mixture of hydrogen peroxide and the liquid soap(four parts hydrogen peroxide to one part detergent) and then lightly rub the mixture onto the area.

After it dries, vacuum the area

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