I wouldn't even bother using the bracket on that. Just PL premium that thing down. Your overthinking it to death.
Overthinking has made me famous all over the entire...
...well this forum anyway.
What I did was give you complete control of how this goes down.
No weights, no alignment issues, no tightness issues (Gaps) between the Cortec and the tile, no glue ooooze or cleanup. No asking the customer to remove weights or tape later......... No retrieving whatever you left as weights.
When I leave, I'm done.
I work on wood up here in the land of "renewable resources" (wood substrate) I can see a different logic on concrete like you deal with.
Without further adoo doo, here's the setup/mock-up.
Ideally the gripper edge of the T should go at least one notch lower into the track. My mock-up was whipped up kinda quick so I didn't fine tune the depth that the T mold would go into the track............ IE:
Good enough for who it's for.
The track is just the standard aluminum track used for vinyl moldings...... Using my table saw, I just cut off the lip that's normally nailed down. My nails are now positioned inside the much smaller track.
Look closely and notice that one side of the plastic "T" molding ....the insert itself has been almost trimmed off. The part of the T molding that goes
into the
metal track (as opposed to the plastic one that came with it)
You have to carefully fine tune the amount of the feathered edge of the T mold that you remove so it fits snug enough into the metal track to do it's job. The metal track has more ridges that the original plastiuc track, and being aluminum, the grooves are sharper and deeper which means more forgiving.
I'll wait for responses before adding other things I was thinking on this one.