Active Member
Ok . Looking into a rail saw now . I will do just that . How long should I wait to see if it will flatten back out ?
While it's nice to have you don't really NEED a rail saw to cut the floor open. A secure straight edge and a well adjusted circular saw with a sharp blade will do the job.
My festool plunge saw can't get that close. My undercut saw can though.
PS: the knob you refer to is a splinter guard that is removable from both the 55 & 75.
Following the wall with an undercut saw is more practical and cheaper.
I'm not so sure about that as I don't measure the cut on the ends. I flip the plank backwards and mark it, cut it, done.
Hank. Grumpy guy, smoked a lot. But a nice person when you got to know him. He was in his 50s I think.