Is it too late?
Listening to the police comments in this video, they know exactly what to do and what needs to be done. They don't have any say in what they're allowed to do or what should be done. Looks like the mayor and city council has put handcuffs on police. They just want to clean up their City.
Its everywhere. When western governments collectively gutted mental health supports and closed sanitariums because they were seen to be "cruel" or whatever, nothing was ever put in place to deal with people with mental disorders. Throw in the ever increasing epidemic of drug use and there is flying **** all anyone really can do now other than start digging and eventually come out the other side.
Add to the fact that everything anyone wants to do now is with a bleeding bloody heart and well.... here we are.
Vancouver is bloody ground zero I think in the whole affair and here in Nanaimo things are bleak in our little town of 100k, ita crazy and looks like the walking bloody dead.
Thing is, some people don't fit into society and really it is time we stop making room. I'm an ******* though so take from that what you will.
If I spell my name, Randi....Thats my point Rusty
Change sex and become a winner
Not fair
That is something that has a totally confused. Mental hospitals as in One flew over the cuckoo's nest have been closed down People that are totally crazy are living in a loud out on the streetFor over 100 years we had a large mental hospital here. Most of the patients were given the run of the town in the daytime. They were given money to go to the movies. The hospital used volunteers to raise vegetables, cattle, hogs, apples, etc. The patients even had a traveling baseball team. Then the liberal courts decided they were being treated unfair and closed the hospital. Most ended up as street people. There is a cemetery for those that died homeless. Over 1,000 local people lost their jobs. Quite a hit on a county of 23,000. I put carpet in a few patient rooms, they were more like apts. No bars, not even locks on the doors. They even had their own medical clinic with full-time doctors and nurses. They even had a private lake to fish in.