They could not even show people laying in a bed together.....and people then considered the bathroom episode controversial.![]()
They could not even show people laying in a bed together.....and people then considered the bathroom episode controversial.![]()
I'm less interested/distracted by the wedge-- "Culture War"--issues than the hard economic and military blunders our Two-Party political system creates. I want to see the federal government castrated with those powers returned to the states as stipulated in the Constitution. If the people of Oregon want to worry about abortion, LGBT+ and drug laws so be it. I'm mostly worried about our economy and our foreign policy. Those are complete disasters and if we don't fix that soon there wont be a hell of a lot left to care about.That's the problem. We can stop watching but 85% of people in the country won't stop watching and buying it.
If the media didn't make such a big deal over stuff, it wouldn't sustain itself as well on social media. That's a problem that we have no control of. We control what we watch, and they control what they watch.
Both the sides have extremists so there's no coming together there.
I have no problem having limits and rules on abortion. Extremists on both sides will never come together on this issue.
Some Republicans say no abortions even if it endangers the life of the mother. To me that's absolutely crazy, extremist thinking.
I don't think abortions are good and I do think there needs to be limits on time. Is it 6 weeks, 8 weeks, 9 weeks? I don't have an answer for that, but I do agree there needs to be some limits.
If you don't want kids, you know that before you get pregnant. You don't wait for 5 months to make your decision, so like I said, something reasonable that would pacify the middle ground on both sides of the aisle. Forget about the extremists, they're just noisy. That issue alone probably prevents republican wins in every close election. I can't stop Republicans if they keep shooting themselves in the foot. How about if politicians that are anti abortion, teach their own family not to have one?
I think that is the main reason republicans lose all to often.
My preference is people that don't want to own guns not buy one, instead of trying to prevent everyone else from having one.
Remember in the days of leave it to Beaver and my three sons virtually every episode was about a family and every episode was about teaching both the kids and the parents the proper way to behave.
Sad to say, that's gone and it's probably never coming back.
Those programs are how many of us learned to behave.
I remember when beaver and his buddy were smoking his dad's special pipe...... Oh man did that instill some fear in many young boys. That was a whole intent of the program. It was about teaching right from wrong.
When Beaver ran away from home, with his parents blessing..... That too was a learning experience for kids, and parents. It's sad that programs evolved away from that type of message.
Those kind of programs are not coming back![]()
One of my apprentices had been a Sheriffs Deputy for a minute out of the Temple City, CA station. He said there was an Italian restaurant that had that same policy and he said there were always cops there. He was a big boy and smiled when he told the story because I know he was putting a big dent over there on his shifts. Pizza, pasta and sauce were not very costly so we're talking a very marginal cost to throw the cops a free lunch or dinner. Seems to me like it would garner very positive community sentiment and PR. You know when the parking lot is always full of cars I'm more inclined to go in and try the food than when the place looks like no one every goes there.
That's awesome for the workers. No doubt those folks were happy to see you guys walk in. It's very nice of the owners to offer this but I completely understand the official policy. If cops, teachers, soldiers and such need a "free lunch" then that should be addressed in their wages. It's just too easy for this sort of thing to take a ride down the Slippery Slope.I know many restaurants that offer either free or 50% off food for law enforcement and fire personnel. Since most citizens know if a cop eats there, it will be good food and also a safe place to eat. It is a cheap price to pay for security and advertising. Our department would not tolerate us receiving free or discounted food, so we would just tip the additional money. The waitresses really loved this extremely generous tip.
I may have mentioned but we had a cop who was terminated for receiving a free cup of coffee once.
No coincidence, my Deputy prospect buddy's partner was lurking around his ex-wifes place ON DUTY as a team when she was out of town and got busted. I think he made or answered phone calls inside the home. His partner, my friend "covered" for him. In other words, he lied and denied. He was terminated from his probationary status and dismissed with the consequence being he had no shot at ever being hired for any law enforcement--------I think he said he had over a year in between the academy/training or whatever. Poor kid. But he wound up OK. He was the 2nd smartest apprentice I ever worked with,............maybe the 1rst.Why the cop got fired was because when caught red handed, he denied receiving the free cup of coffee. The sergeant went back to the "Stop and Rob", collected the video tape, which confirmed he did in fact get the free cup of coffee. Lying to his supervisor was the real reason why he was terminated. Had he just confessed to the supervisor, he probably would have bought off a day or two.
What year was that ? HystericalPoetry at his finest.
I'm frequently amazed at how little they can be bought for----------of course we cant account for behind the scenes, favors and other stuff not itemized on campaign finance reports.Politics pay.