DriTac 7700

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Mar 3, 2014
any one have any experience with DriTac 7700? it's basically their 7600 w/ a moisture barrier.
No one carries it round these parts. I'm currently putting down solid carbonized horizontal bamboo with the Bostik Ultra-set Single Step over a very damp slab . It's working out great so far.
yeah, i'm convinced. ultra set single step is the way to go. even though the house is 1year old and an energy star home where the slab sits over a huge membrane of plastic sheeting - "stuff can happen". my only issue w /Sng Step is #1: finding it. it lists for $277, I can only find one place here in Houston for $236 so availability and price are sketchy. I can find it online for a lot cheaper, but then "shipping" kicks u right back up to where u were retail, that is - if you can find it locally. thanks again for the advise. i'm convinced - why put down 7k flooring only to have the glue fail later - makes sense.
That ain't no lie, no one carries Single Step here and had to order it, geez. Then try and find the Single Step2. lol
I am a fan of the Sikaflex T-21 too, and Stauf adhesives, but no one else has this in writing.

Ultra-Set® SingleStep2™ has extremely low moisture vapor
permeability and is not adversely affected by moisture. As a result,
costly and time-consuming concrete moisture testing is not
required when the slab is properly prepared, fully cured and dry to
the touch.


well I found Ultra Set Single Step for $189 - add Shipping & it's $223, cheaper than anywhere else I've found on the planet. and it's cheaper by UPS to order 1 at a time........ this glue is tenacious and get's every where so, I've run thru a bottle of Bostik- Best Ultimate Adhesive Remover already, but it's light years away from anything else we tried. also, we went an extra mile to keep the planks in place. Lowe's makes an Underlayment Seam Tape by "Blue Hawk" that literally "stretches" and absolutely holds the planks in place even w/ my weight on it. Using "Painters tape" to hold the planks is like using "harsh language" to fend off a bear. once we put that tape down that Lowe's makes, we can walk, work, roll and just about dance on the flooring & it stays. is it expensive? yeah - about $5 a roll, but totally worth it to avoid any slippage. the glue however gets on everything, so about 20% of the floor laying is spent cleaning up - but, man - does it hold and the only moisture that's getting on that floor will have to come from the "top-side". i'm sure our slab would be fine w/ something less - but, I don't wanna find out the hard way. Great Suggestion.
I used it on a solid bamboo gluedown that had rh readings of 100% to 95% at time of install. No cupping so far after a month. I profiled the slab to a csp-2 prior to installing. Slab surface was dry to touch at time of install.

I had some spots of glue I missed, but after using the Bostik remover it did not etch the finish. The Single Step2 is supposed to not etch finish either.

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