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In memory...
Supporting Member
Jun 28, 2011
Northcote, Auckland
My new smart phone must have hooked me up to Facebook as I got this in an email

Welcome Back to Facebook
Hey Jon,

The Facebook account associated with jscanlan, my email address was recently reactivated.

If you were not the one who reactivated this account, please visit our Help Center.

I have never had anything to do with Facebook, Nick has kinda scared me
Do I want it?
Do I need it?
Is it a hassle?
My new smart phone must have hooked me up to Facebook as I got this in an email

Welcome Back to Facebook
Hey Jon,

The Facebook account associated with jscanlan, my email address was recently reactivated.

If you were not the one who reactivated this account, please visit our Help Center.

I have never had anything to do with Facebook, Nick has kinda scared me
Do I want it?
Do I need it?
Is it a hassle?

I enjoy it and have a lot of fun with it. Found a whole lot of Mulkin's I didn't know existed. May even be related.

I run a page with the history of my town and have photos of it dating back into the 1800s. I also keep in touch with distant relatives through Facebook.
Jon, can you log in and check out the information? If you cannot log in with a password you know, there is a reasonable chance that someone found your name and email and has created an account. There are Koreans that are making duplicate accounts from known members and trying to get their friends to accept the new one as a friend, then they can get information and post in groups under the original good member's name and get the good member kicked out, after spamming the group with ads.

It is something to check on. I've changed phones and I had to add FB app and do my log in myself each time.
I was thinking with emails, Skype etc these days why would I need Facebook?
Am I losing lots by not having it?
Meet a guy on a cruise and all he wants to talk on is Facebook
I can't see what is wrong with emails?
Also watching the wife using Facebook she can type fast where as I use one finger
As I mentioned Nick has scared me about using Facebook
Jon, can you log in and check out the information? If you cannot log in with a password you know, there is a reasonable chance that someone found your name and email and has created an account.

It is something to check on. I've changed phones and I had to add FB app and do my log in myself each time.

Never used Facebook
My new smart phone must have hooked me up to Facebook as I got this in an email

Welcome Back to Facebook
Hey Jon,

The Facebook account associated with jscanlan, my email address was recently reactivated.

If you were not the one who reactivated this account, please visit our Help Center.

I have never had anything to do with Facebook, Nick has kinda scared me
Do I want it?
Do I need it?
Is it a hassle?

I have a friend who's last name is Scanlan here in Tucson. Facebook doesn't scare me. I found relatives living in Sicily using facebook.
My new smart phone must have hooked me up to Facebook as I got this in an email

Welcome Back to Facebook
Hey Jon,

The Facebook account associated with jscanlan, my email address was recently reactivated.

If you were not the one who reactivated this account, please visit our Help Center.

I have never had anything to do with Facebook, Nick has kinda scared me
Do I want it?
Do I need it?
Is it a hassle?
My mother and sister and her husband live in Massachusetts. almost into Maine. My brother and his 2 kids lives in NYC, My sons live in San Francisco and Chiba, Japan. My first cousin lives outside Washinton DC. His mom, who is my only aunt lives in Stone Mountain Georgia. My sister's daughter lives in Germany. I have extended family living outside Pittsburgh----all kinds of cousins, aunts and uncles. Then there's about a dozen or so on my wife's side who we "friend" on Facebook.

So we can really keep up with each other through being friends on Facebook. It's nice to see their family, personal and even business or political stuff to some extent. You post anything and everything you want. There's a whole lot of nonsense to scroll through but it doesn't cost you anything but time. You can easily BLOCK anyone you don't want to deal with. They wont see anything you post. Don't post anything very specific about your age, address, or anything that could be used to create fake accounts using your info.

For example, I list my date of birth as April Fools Day 1907. No phone numbers, home address, correct Email........well, I set up a dummy Email account for all these BS social media sites.
Yeah, too many people have their birthday on there. Then their mothers maiden name, pets name. What else can a hacker ask for? :rolleyes:
And I got this the other day
Wonder if its all happened since I basically had to set up a gmail account for my smart phone?

From: Guy Abbiss [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Monday, 6 June 2016 11:00 p.m.
To: my ihug email address
Subject: Dear Jon Scanlan

4 St. Paul's Churchyard,

Dear Jon Scanlan
I a m Guy Abbiss, a senior partner at Abbiss Cadres LLP, Sole executor of late Mr. Peter Scanlan 's, estate. Peter was a businessman who lived and died in the UK but had businesses in United States and Asia.

I have tried to find his extended relatives whom shall be suitor/inheritor to his abandoned personal estate and all such attempt has been to no advantage. The bank has threatened to seize these abandoned personal assets; in line with existing laws.

On this note, I decided to search for a possible family member (regardless distant) as I was contacted because of my affiliation with the United States Department of State as I can easily identify with and verify the identity of the beneficiary. I did not only contact you because you bear same surname with my client but because I already have enough information about you to make this transaction possible without any setbacks. I need your approval to introduce you as the closest family member to him. I have good records that would bestow you legal rights.

Feel free to contact me and make further inquiry on how best to proceed and for more details about this transaction as more details will be divulged when we are both certain you can handle this transaction.

Best regards,

That is one of the biggest scams going around for years now.

You would be surprise how many people fall for it .

Give them my name Jon, and tell them they have to come to my house to collect.:mad:

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