Food Prices

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Staff member
Feb 21, 2011
The free state of Missouri
Expect food prices in the US to skyrocket. Talked to a wheat farmer from western Kansas this morning. The last rain they had was 1/2" in Sept 2010. The corn here in Missouri didn't make it either. We have been averaging almost 100 F since June 1st and have had 1" of rain since then. :(
You know how to rain on everyone's parade don't ya. ;) My thermometer batteries went out, so I don't even know how warm it is today. Gotta be in the 70's if I had to guess. :p
I'd probably be one of those people having heat stroke. I hate heat with a passion and have never lived in it. Mid 80's suck the energy out of me.
But we're having a record corn crop regardless of the Missouruh corn. They say all that corn is helping keep the heat and numidity up in the midwest.
Just been on the TV news
There is that white stuff falling on the roads half way between Auckland and the bottom of the North Island. No wonder its cold here. Pussy cat is sitting by the fire place :(

They reckon its going to snow in the Waitakere ranges Jon, now its gotta be cold if Aucklands getting a dustin:eek:

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