It is just sad to see the degradation this society is undergoing. I wonder sometimes how far away we are from the point of no return or perhaps that point has already been reached.
I deleted the You Tube video I posted along with my last statement, I will just leave it at that.
Just remember these protests are more organized then one is lead to believe, they fit quite nicely into the Cloward-Piven Strategy, Frances Fox Piven even spent some time at Wall Street to give the protesters some encouragement.
Any of ya watch 'Jaywalking' ?
I wonder if Jay Leno randomly asked 10 of the occupy wall street crowd what they were rallying about.
......if they could give a coherent answer.
I think if they just went out and robbed a liquor store, they could get somebody else's money ...the old fashioned way.
So 95% of the people protesting are totally clear on the objective? Heck I still haven't figure out what they want.
..........other than jobs. Heck, that's a no brainer.
....... but if they want jobs, the economy has to pick up and that's going to continue to go slowly. Wall street can't make people start buying stuff so employment will rise.
Schiff is off base on a couple points. And so much for fat cats stuffing their portfolios because they already have six houses or can't remember how many they have...McCain......middle class people will spend more of it simply because there are more middle class.
The percentage of middle class is falling more and more into lower class and poor catagories.
There's lots of people out there who have been looking for yobs...any yob and they are told they are over qualified. I have heard that myself.
Employers do not want to hire over qualified people because they know when a job...errr yob opens up they arequalified for they will leave. duh