Highup and I have been through this before a few times.
OK, whats the current cost of a nuke plant and it's fuel and it storage cost? Water for it?
Me, I also kinda like coal, we have lots of coal. Lets use coal but put on scrubbers. Coal byproducts are used in concrete. Whats not to like? I just want to reduce our dependency on oil.
Mercury is omitted by concrete/cement makers doncha know.
Why not subsidize the nukes a lot more since it's a viable, not experimental science.
You can lump Japan's disaster into the mix along with Chernobyl and Three Mile Island errors. Huge judgmental errors based on
known unsafe design, or human's overriding the emergency protocol, or engineers not listening to or reading the available earthquake information as it should have been read prior to finding a stable and proper location. The Japan engineers located the plant too low and did not factor in a 3 foot or 3 meter drop,
(I don't recall the numbers)
in that location in the event of a large scale earthquake. I recall readin they knew the possibility of a subduction drop in elevation at the reactor locations, but either doubted or ignored the possibility. Located that close to sea level, they built in the wrong location.
Were Japan's
OTHER 52nuke plants affected by the tsunami? Nukes supply 1/3 of Japan's power, 24/7/365
I also recall 20/20 saying the plant should have been located on the other side of the coastline............... The planning and "OKing" went wrong even tho there were known issues that the location had.
It was operational starting in 1971........... three mile island indecent happened in 1979 and Chernobyl failure in 1986.... A Chernobyl design itself was considered unsafe by the nuke society even way back then. (no containment building) .........but it was much cheaper to build. (hey, we are talkin the USSR)
So anyhow,
since that time, we must now weigh deaths and environmental damage from nuclear power plants.
........how is nuclear scoring now since those
two forty and twenty five year old mishaps? ( I use 'mishaps' tongue in cheek )
Pretty darn safety record isn't it? Nukes were in their infancy and we have learned how to design them with maximum safety.
Nothing is totally without risk, but if you want 'clean' energy, we already have the knowledge and these nuke plants prove it day in, day out, throughout the world.
No smoke stacks with nuke power.......... just steam.
Hollywood must have done many trillions of dollars in economic damage since 3 mile island.
..........thousands of coal plants would have never been built................... but for the movie China Syndrome. They wanted no nukes, so we got coal instead.
See how the enviro-wackos screw themselves
and us?
They did the same thing 35 years ago insisting on and promoting 100% battery powered cars as the future to save the earth.

..............instead of pushing hard for the development of Hybrid cars which are a very realistic goal.
Most all nukes are still in operation.
If the uneducated, "feel good" greenies wouldn't have been so extreme over the past 3 decades, we would be light years ahead pollution wise..........and greenhouse gas wise too for you 'believers of the myth'.
Why don't we just go back to raising our own food? Using horse and buggy and go to bed at dark and get up at sunrise. That would save a lot of energy.
I like dune buggies.
...............oh wait, that's not what you said.