Thought this thread could use a little humor.

This has absolutely nothing to do with this thread. But it's funny.
Back when the tax code prior Bush Tax cuts the wealthy did pretty darn good and still invested and we didn't yank 700 billion dollars a year outa the tax coffers. So explain that.
Did the deficit increase under 8 years of Bush from 6 trillion to 10 trillion which included the gulf war and his tax cuts?
Has Obama taken the deficit from 10 trillion to 16 trillion in just 4 years?
Don't forget, Obama also had to deal with the Bush tax cuts and the 2 wars. And the insolvency in Europe has dried up the market for many of our products. Even China has taken a hit. They have cut the salaries of all the children in their factories.
I am not a big fan of Obama. But the Republicans have not done much better. Before Obama, 70% of the deficit was created under Reagan and the 2 Bushes. The last president to cut the deficit was Clinton. They all suck. It comes down to a lesser of 2 evils. Most Repubs say they don't like Romney. Most demos say they don't like Obama. Who you gonna pick?
As far as Obamacare, it is almost exactly the same as what Romney pushed thru as governor in Massachusetts. I don't know what the answer is, but our health care system is awful. We have the most expensive health care system in the world and rank 38th in quality of care. There are people dying every day in this country for lack of health care and Obamacare is not going to fix that. I wish someone could come up with a fix. I'm not smart enough, but hopefully someone will come along who is.
I think your wrong on the pull out date. Obama got lamblasted by the Hawks for setting one. Especially McCain, the guy who wants us to go into Syria and start a war with Iran.
I think N Korea is too afraid of China to get too wild. China is making too much money to let them screw it up.
How about the middle class gets to invest some damn money for once. There is more of us and when the middle class spends money the economy kicks ass. Screw that trickle down ****.
You need to be in charge of the US budget......... we'd be in the black within a month.Ern here is how you do it. You loan me $500, but I only want you to give me $250. That way you still owe me $250 yet and I owe you $250, so that makes us even right?
Works for me.
I'd also like to see a balance between out country taking care of it's people and the industrial military complex hex. We simply cannot keep protecting the whole world and giving away billions of dollars to places like Pakastan, and the other 'stans just because they play our hand. Let them do as they may.