Anti-gun people have tried every method under the sun, supposedly to try to reduce shootings. They have uniformly failed. The rate of shootings continues to climb, varying only be location and dated, but not in deadliness. And yet they continue to call for the same things to be tried again and again.
But one method WILL work.
Don't pussyfoot around. Ban all private ownership of guns, period. And enforce it ruthlessly. This will dry up the supply until even the worst criminals can't get a gun any more.
Can anyone see a way this would NOT work in reducing shootings in this country?
The gun-control advocates, of course, throw up their hands in mock horror and insist "We would never ban your guns! What a paranoid idea!" But everything else they try, fails miserably... and their reaction is always, "Well, we just need a little more gun control." There's always the same pattern to their demands... and it leads in only one direction, despite their smooth assurances to the contrary.
There is only one scheme that would actually reduce shootings in this country. Of course, you'd have to repeal the 2nd amendment first. Good luck with that. In fact, you'd probably have to amend the Constitution even further, to specifically give Congress the power to restrict or ban guns, and take that power away from the states once the 2nd is repealed. Let me know how that goes.
Then you'd have to get the legislation through Congress to actually ban everything.
And then comes the enforcement. A huge number of households have guns - millions. Does anyone think that all of them will simply bring their guns in to the nearest police station or collection point, once the police have the power to tell them to? You would need to put together police task forces to go house to house, collecting the guns.
It won't be long, of course, before some gun owner politely declines to give up his guns, Constitutional amendments or not. And the police would then insist. And then, the gun owner's refusal would become less polite. And so would the police's insistence. It's just a matter of time before the guns get used somewhere, instead of relinquished.
And the police certainly won't let THAT slide. The police teams would quickly turn into SWAT teams. And a collection mission to the next house, would consist of the SWAT team setting up outside the house, or maybe blocking off an entire street or block, demanding the residents come out, making all of them lie facedown in the grass, cuffing them, and holding them while the cops go house to house checking for newly-forbidden weapons.
They'll probably have to dig up most back yards too, in case someone put his rifles or pistols in a length of plastic pipe and buried them to avoid police confiscation. This is bound to happen in a few places, at least. And maybe QUITE a few places.
When the SWAT team actions start, how long will it be before neighborhoods that have several gun owners, start getting together and making plans for what to do when the SWAT teams show up on their block?
And how many American citizens, who had been innocent, law-abiding people until the new laws got passed, will be injured or killed? They could number into the thousands. Maybe MANY thousands.
How many times would this be repeated, across a country 3,000 miles wide with 320,000,000 people?
This method, once carried through at every house or apartment in the nation, WOULD significantly reduce the number of shootings in the U.S.
Can you say that about any other "gun control" scheme? No, you cannot... because not one of them has ever worked.
So-called "gun control advocates" are still demanding, however, that the government "do something to reduce these shootings". And they've been doing it long enough to know that none of their schemes have ever worked.
It stands to reason that the officials who keep demanding it anyway, will have one of two results:
1.) Complete failure like they have always had (I doubt they intend that result), or
2.) The only method that WILL work. As described above. Possibly brought on a little at a time, hoping to sneak it in without too many people noticing... but with the ultimate implementation described above.
It's time to stop kidding ourselves. The liberals who want "more gun control" or "just a few reasonable restrictions" today, feign horror and denial when someone says they want to ban all guns. But since nothing else will work, their actions belie their words: They can intend nothing else.
In other words, it's time for them to fish or cut bait. How many more examples of failure do they want, before conceding what normal people already know: That their "usual gun control" methods never work? How long to they expect to be able to fool people with the "just a few more common sense regulations" fib?
The ones that are still insisting on "more gun control" are clearly not serious in their "just a little" assurances. They've been around long enough to know that "just a little more" won't work. These people can only have one outcome in mind: The only one that will work.
When you hear liberals on TV calling for more gun control..... get ready. They may say, "Just a little". But they don't mean it.