Happy Juneteenth Freedom Day

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Supporting Member
May 13, 2021
Perkasie Pa
To all black listeners and Members here at the Flooring Forum, may you have a nice holiday of celebration 🍾….This day, from the past, has significant meaning today, because we never want to forget this tragic mistake in our history. Please continue to forgive us for the present and future Shock Wave that continues to effect us.

Hey ! I just heard an interview with the star actor from ‘ Lawman, Bass Reeves ‘ He sounds like a class act of a person, who plays a historical character from our past. Has anyone seen this show ?

✌️ PS > To our white listeners and members: if you’re uncomfortable saying Happy Juneteenth to a black community member, I encourage you to step out of that comfort zone and just do it.We have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
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