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Jun 25, 2011
, AZ
Here is one reason we need immigrant farm labor. Other wise the people will starve.

Bet ya theres no republicans in that crowd. Where's all the gringo's that want to work that job everyday?
Who's going to do it if not for immigrants?
Nobody including Trump is against immigrants. You didn't use the word illegal. ;)
There is legal immigration and there is a process. There are green cards "documentation" that allows them to work here legally. That process has been going on for mucho decades, maybe dos mucho decades.
ya see illegal immigration isn't legal. That's this whole argument. Legal is fine.
Can you imagine immigrating here legally, and going through the lengthy process then seein' your old neighbor sneakin under the fence.......... I'd be freekin pissed.
We have rules and many don't care to follow them. Hence........ da fence! The hundreds of miles that already exist were penned into law by Democrats and Republicans.
By the way, that has got to be grueling work. I wouldn't last an hour. I for one am very appreciative of what they do for us.