A depression like you describe makes it necessary to whittle down ones lifestyle to the point where the opportunity to transition into a different line of work becomes a welcome reality. Sounds like you're in an enviable position.
It would be more enviable if I had already changed to another job.

Slim pickins here.
On and off since last October, I have been working on a job for a friend, converting an 11 by 11 building into a sewing room. She's retired, but has a commercial sewing machine and wanted a place to set it up...... a warm, dry place so she could actually use it.
This out building sets behind the garage, and the previous owner used it to store rakes, shovels etc. It had no window. It sets about 3 feet off the ground, it isn't level and the bare studs inside were not plumb, and some weren't fastened well.
The door opening was moved so the door now faces the yard. I installed an exterior door frame kit and a nice used door that's mostly glass. Her husband wired in outlets and a wall heater.
I did most everything else. The roof was framed in simply as vaulted, but I made a flat area 4 feet wide down the middle because visually, the vaulted roof looked too tall in such a small room. The center is now8 feet high, and both sides slope down to 6 1/2 feet now. I did the insulation, sheetrock, sprayed the texture, flattened the floor and installed the vinyl, wood trim, and painted it.
Later, I made a 6 foot by 12 foot deck, with a railing and 2x2 pickets, stairs with handrails and the roof is a smoke tone polycarbonate.
An open shed connected to the side of this building, now has a polycarbonate roof, and a large window on the back end of it.
It had a metal roof, but was too dark. It's now a gravel floored potting shed. It turned out pretty cute.
I can't think of wanting to do any specific part of this job full time........especially the sheetrock. The deck work was probably the most fun. But overall, I liked doing the entire project. I'll have to get some photos next time I go down to visit. Pay was crap, but that was my side of the agreement. Wen I had nothing to do work wise, I went down and tinkered on it. Food was excellent. Her hubby is a fantastic cook.