If the new and upcoming installers care about what they do ...
They will seek out forums just like I did.
I wanted to know stuff. There was never simple stuff that came my way.
The shop I worked with then (and now almost 50 years later) sold mid and higher end products. I was Mikey...... "See if Mikey likes it"
Well the shop offered me the difficult stuff and I do not like being defeated. I also cared for the shop, so I didn't want the shop to look bad.......
I would lose my ass before allowing the shop to look bad.
Because of my determination and pride in the place that gave me my work, I accepted jobs that I didn't want to..... Wovens, hand sewn stair runners.
I learned....... I was at times pressured because the jobs had been told and the customers were promised I was "the guy"
To not let the shop down, I had to do my research every time an oddball job was thrown at me.
That said, I feel that I still now nothing ....and can't sew worth a **** either.
I was and am still a self diagnosed OCD recipient. I don't know when to cut corners.
I'm done when I'm finished.
On topic again.... many years ago, I searched out " flooring forums " ......actually not long after flooring forums came onto existence.
I almost immediately learned I had been doing carpet seams wrong.
I used a straightedge..... that's how I was taught, that's what I did (Quite successfully I might add)
if all I did was housing tracts, I'd never have searched out flooring forums.........
....why? Nothing to learn. Same every day, push, push push...... You're a robot. You WILL be replaced if you skip a beat.
If not for flooring forums and the advice I have been blessed with from people I know and trust......
......I might be living in a tent right now.
I'm serious.
I cannot ask a single installer in my small local area and bank on the info I am given.
The replies are like "well,sometimes this works pretty good"
...... flooring advice and the experiences of others cannot be learned solo.
Ask questions no matter how simple and basic they seem.
Guys..... If your sorry ass's feel good tonight...... It might be because I kissed them.
Thank you guys.
I just wanted to let you know that the advice you provide is appreciated very much.