Tandy sent me two data loggers so I could test humidity under and inside a house that had a laminate floor issue. The lady covered all of the exterior foundation vents in the winter, with plastic to conserve heat.Only one I met in person was Tandy Reeves. He died not long after. Could tell he was sick when I met him.
When I told him I was sending them back, he said, keep em. I said: "give them to Chris" He said he had already given some to Chris and added, "you'll find other uses for them" And I have. What a cool gift. RIP Tandy.
A year or so ago, Nick was having humidity trouble acclimating some wood flooring. I didn't need both data loggers, and since Nick needed to borrow one, I told him to keep it. I rarely need to use one of these, so it was nice to pass one of these to our generous friend.
The generosity from members of these forums in knowledge and other ways is just way cool.