I don’t know what to do with them. It may be a silly question. I’ve spent years wanting to use these carpets, but we have hardwood floors and I want to keep them bare. So although I’ve held onto these a lot of my life I feel like I should let them go.
They’re gold and dark red, thick and dense. They’re still in great condition. We had them cleaned and wrapped many years ago.
What can I even do with them? If I sell them, how can I know what they’re worth? All the carpet I see for sale online is either patterned rugs or cheap new stuff.
They’re gold and dark red, thick and dense. They’re still in great condition. We had them cleaned and wrapped many years ago.
What can I even do with them? If I sell them, how can I know what they’re worth? All the carpet I see for sale online is either patterned rugs or cheap new stuff.