I'm thinkin' Mo, but noithing's happning.

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Will work for food
Supporting Member
Mar 6, 2011
They found a reason (excuse), why the doomsday prediction 20 years ago isn't following their original prediction.
So they come up with a new one. :D
Hope all you eastern buddies get bathed in global warming real soon.
It was global warming, then "climate change" when warming didn't occur. Here's the new catch phrase for the money tail.
It's called "Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO)" Doesn't roll off the tongue as well as the previous "we're all gonna die" scare terms. :D
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So there's science..........

and then there's the politics and the money trail

My father was a scientist and now my son is one (practically, he's in a PhD program) My father spent his whole life studying metallurgy and material science. My son is into biomolecular physics.

They can't USUALLY even explain their work to laymen........journalists, politicians, friends and family other than on very crude and general terms. What we have in our culture is an amazing pretense and delusion of scientific understanding. People won't recognize and realize precisely how ignorant they really are. So we get opinions and policy based on...........********.

ANYTHING I hear or read from laymen about very complex science I understand that it's pure ********. They have virtually no idea what the science really means. All they have in an agenda.

That's what I get out of all the climate debate from laymen, TV, newspapers and magazines.........oh, I forgot THE INTERNETS are now our main source for news, commentary and scientific knowledge. My other son majored in political science.......the art of ********.

I didn't graduate from college and you don't really need to to recognize ******** when you smell it.
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So there's science..........

and then there's the politics and the money trail

My father was a scientist and now my son is one (practically, he's in a PhD program) My father spent his whole life studying metallurgy and material science. My son is into biomolecular physics.

They can't USUALLY even explain their work to laymen........journalists, politicians, friends and family other than on very crude and general terms. What we have in our culture is an amazing pretense and delusion of scientific understanding. People won't recognize and realize precisely how ignorant they really are. So we get opinions and policy based on...........********.

ANYTHING I hear or read from laymen about very complex science I understand that it's pure ********. They have virtually no idea what the science really means. All they have in an agenda.

That's what I get out of all the climate debate from laymen, TV, newspapers and magazines.........oh, I forgot THE INTERNETS are now our main source for news, commentary and scientific knowledge. My other son majored in political science.......the art of ********.

I didn't graduate from college and you don't really need to to recognize ******** when you smell it.

If there was satellite and data recordings available for the past 5 million years, I'd have more faith in the doomsdayer's predictions. There isn't, so I don't.
If there was satellite and data recordings available for the past 5 million years, I'd have more faith in the doomsdayer's predictions. There isn't, so I don't.

That's a big part of science..........working with the data you have and understanding the limitations of that data when you begin to draw conclusions.

.........that's if you want to grasp the science.

POLITICAL science is a much simpler discipline. All you have to do to understand that BS is follow the money trail.
My daughter just graduated with a Masters in Evolutionary and Ecological Biology. I can't even spell it correctly without SpellCheck.

Ecological biology ought to lead to those "green" jobs.........

You better start voting for Obama and Hillary if you want your daughter to get one of the cushy federal government jobs with the $100K income PLUS gold/platinum health insurance and pensions.

Not of lot of that going around in the private sector.
If I had to vote for Hillary to get my daughter a job, I'd rather not vote and let her collect welfare and food stamps! :D

She actually has been running a lab where they are trying different strains of Chemotherapy on a fruit fly, which has a 5 day life cycle, to see what happens genetically to the species in a 5 year span.

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