Introducing myself

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Active Member
Feb 7, 2023
Hi everyone.

This is my Nubie introduction. Sorry if it's terse. I'm usually long-winded, but I'll save that for later. I know it's rude to jump right into a question without an intro, so (as of Feb. 2023) here goes.

I'm in central Alabama. My longest career has been installing draperies, blinds, fancy window treatments, art, pictures, framed mirrors, & limited general handyman. I have 25 + years in that self-employed business in 2 segments (careers #2 & #5). I was first a Minister of Music. Trying to follow God's leading, I moved to where I am with the intent of going to medical school. Turns out that following that direction was right because it got me where I was supposed to be. The installation work was to be a stop gap but went 12 years before the next change. Later I was a math teacher (briefly) and also spent 10 years in the outsource department of Xerox...until they outsourced my a foreign country...Chicago!

After 3 joint replacements in 2 years (2 knees & a shoulder) I just gave up & retired at age 70. After so much sedentary time, it's been tough to get going again. I've been catching up on remodeling at home. I just went on my first trip with Alabama Baptist Disaster Relief chainsaw team to Selma, AL to help clean up after recent tornados. Would you believe I came home with Covid (for the first time)!

In the last 10 years or so, I've installed prefinished bamboo flooring everywhere but 1 room (except kitchen & baths). I put down nail-down upstairs on plywood & floating on the slab in the basement. I'll be asking questions soon.

I'll be glad to share what I know about hanging stuff on the wall upon request. I'm looking forward to lurking & learning because my brain's not full yet.

I'll probably fill in gaps & expand on this intro here &/or in various threads as appropriate. Best wishes to all.

Working the Red Cross disasters, I've used your group to help us clear downed trees on several past disasters. We sure appreciate all your help in disaster relief.

Oh, Welcome here!
Do you do fully wrapped spiral stair cases in carpet ?
.....been looking, but I just want the supervisory position this time around. 😁
Wow, that's quite the resume.
I've had a paper route for 2 years, then flooring for 48 😱😭
I did work for our h s math teacher once. Mr. Butts lived a block away.
No, we never teased him. his face. 😁
If I could do it all over, I'd have worked for the city, then retired, then worked for the county, then retired.....
.....quite well.
Then I'd probably come here to ask how to level my floor. 😁
Welcome to our humble abodes Eddie.