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New Member
Apr 5, 2013
We are in a crazy bad situation. We had our 1950's kitchen floor ripped out (by an abatement company to be careful), and we had them leave the black mastic (cutback?) there, since we planned to put ceramic tile there to cover it. After the floor was ripped out, my son and I had immediate ear ringing and headache (chemicals from the mastic or the wood subfloor we are guessing.) We immediately had ceramic floor tile installed the next day. (A layer of thinset, then Durock, then more thinset, then 18 inch glazed ceramic tiles.) This was all done a little over 3 months ago, and we are STILL having the same headaches and ear ringing. It's bad. The chemical is making its way out. We sealed the grout with something that was designed to seal in any emissions that could be coming up, but the problem still exists. We are now thinking that maybe the chemical vapor is coming up through the tile itself. They are glazed tiles (matte finish), but maybe the vapor can still come through? We know that the problem is not coming from any of the new materials, because we had the same tile and grout installed in our bathroom with no problems. We are beside ourselves, because, other than tearing up the entire floor, we have no idea how to fix the problem. It has not subsided, so we don't hold out hope that it will eventually go away. I mean, it could take years. My son and I have actually had to stay in a hotel part of the time.
So, can anyone tell me if "glazed ceramic tile" could be allowing vapor through? Also, any ideas how to fix the problem without tearing up the floor? (We are considering a sealer called Hardseal by Safecoat to just coat the entire floor with.)
Thanks so much,
I can't imagine that the old asphaltic adhesive residue that you encapsulated is the source of your continuing ailments. Have your abatement company check your air quality. They should have done that and given you a report at the time of completion. They can compare the new test to the old and determine if there is an increase in any harmful particulates.
I can't imagine that the old asphaltic adhesive residue that you encapsulated is the source of your continuing ailments. Have your abatement company check your air quality. They should have done that and given you a report at the time of completion. They can compare the new test to the old and determine if there is an increase in any harmful particulates.

I'd have a unrelated company do a air quality test. That way there is no bias involved. I have to third what Maven said. Ain't no way one day exposure to cutback adhesive. I have smelled it many times, it can have an odor. But all VOC's have flashed off after 60 years.

I would also wonder why you think it can get through all that thinset, backer board and tile when you didn't have any effects prior to having the old floor ripped out. What was the old floor? Sheet vinyl or VCT?
headaches ---got it---ear ringing --check---but is there a smell?---old cutback has a very specific smell which i guess you could be allergic to but it is strange indeed that you never once mentioned the smell---my suspicion is that your abatement squad might have more to do with your headaches than the cutback which cannot be affecting you---try putting water on your tile---if water cannot get in how can the cutback be getting out---btw did you build on an old indian burial ground?
Pamp81 said:
This was all done a little over 3 months ago, and we are STILL having the same headaches and ear ringing. It's bad.

What does you doctor say? Maybe you were exposed to something during the abatement and still suffer symptoms.

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