........it was so cold

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Will work for food
Supporting Member
Mar 6, 2011
.............that I had to break the smoke off the chimney.
We don't normally get into the 20's in winter, but we've been having a cold snap for the past week. 21 degrees is pretty cold for the Oregon coast. That's what I had this morning. Barely got above freezing yesterday, and I think the same for today. Wednesday is supposed to be getting closer to "normal" Mid to upper 30's overnight and low to mid 50's in the daytime.
Here's our Oregon road conditions map this morning.
125 miles east of me is Diamond Lake and a tiny town named Chemult. It's on Hwy 97, a major inland traffic route. In the winter, Chemult has some super cold temperatures compared to places just 15 or 20 miles away from it.
My best guess is that Chemult is connected to Antarctica by a wormhole in the fabric of time/space. :eek:
On the coast this morning, it was 21.7 degrees. 125 miles east of me is Chemult. That just don't sound like Oregon.

Chemult and Diamond Lake outlined 600.jpg
Old high school friend was in Bozeman MT, It got down to -39, with wind chills to -50. She left for warmer areas yesterday. She lives In an Airstream.
Hope she wasn't heading to Oregon, the frozen west. :D
Much of the state was close to the single digits or less. Very unusual.
..............damn Canadians. :D
Just got finished shoveling a ft of snow that was suppose to be a dusting. Damn Snowblower wouldn't Start.
:D yea the weather people shoot 50/50 at best. Being on the coast when they say winds will be 10 to 15 mph we just add them together to get the correct wind speed.
Good one , I'm searching for their number right now . I don't think they even have a window in the room to look out and see what is going on .

There been times when they said it is cloudy today, and it be pouring rain.
I remember back years ago when I was in Seattle, weatherman would say, "It's going to rain today, the wind will blow, and we might get to see the sun." And they were right everyday.
Nick you still want me to adopt you? :D

Auckland region forecast
Fine spells, and isolated showers clearing overnight. Westerly breezes.
Issued: 4:59pm 9 Dec

Fine with westerly breezes.

Issued: 4:59pm 9 Dec

Wednesday 11

Mostly sunny. Light, mainly westerly winds.

Issued: 1:22pm 9 Dec

Jon 69 degrees is not very warm for summertime temperatures. Just think there was a possibility of snow in Vegas this weekend and you are going to be there in just over a month, plus I believe you are going to Antarctica. I know it is cold there. Get used to the cold my friend.

Jon 69 degrees is not very warm for summertime temperatures. Just think there was a possibility of snow in Vegas this weekend and you are going to be there in just over a month, plus I believe you are going to Antarctica. I know it is cold there. Get used to the cold my friend.

Daris I pinched these photos from Seabourns site of the ship doing the first cruise to Antarctica
Does it look cold? We will be on it next month



Sure i still want you to adopt me . Think i want to work the rest of my life ?:D

Been having trouble with my headset on skype Jon. Going to get a new one .

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