Longing for Tradition

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Supporting Member
May 13, 2021
Perkasie Pa
After watching a Hula competition and seeing reverence through Tradition. I’m feeling that we are missing a unifying Tradition on the main land. What Tradition in your family or town brings you unifying joy ?
Where we could run to the store, pick up steaks for $3 a pound, throw them into your $6 WalMart ice chest, fill up the car for $20, and drive a few hundred miles to hang out with family and dream what we were going to do when we grow up.

With the dems in control, steaks are unaffordable, family is busy working 3 jobs to pay for a tank of gas, and family no longer can get together. Now, we have boys in girl's bathrooms, kids being read "how to masturbate" books by the local drag queens at the libraries, and sitting at home wondering what day the nuclear attack will hit us.
For me, joy is just living where I live. I'm not a crowd person, so social events tile the annual crab feed, the fireworks, stuff like that aren't something I bother with. A car show maybe or strip to the drag strip a few miles south of town.
...........ok guys, NOT that kind of drag strip! ...vroom, vrooom, that kind.
What ever gets our engine running 😜

I use to really like the Olympics, but not so much anymore. Maybe it’s time I went to the local Polish church ⛪️ and
Meet my native ancestors 🤔

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