My New Siding Bucket!

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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2011
Findlay, OH
Attached are the before and after pictures of our new siding job. I sure did hate being the customer, but got along great with those young men, even while pointing out their flaws every morning before leaving for work, LOL! Oh, we are so glad it's over with, especially the dog. No more banging.





Way to boost the economy. Are you sure you didn't just paint it? I didn't see nothing wrong with the old one.:confused:
Looks good now Tia
Where is the snow? :)

It's snowing now! We haven't had much this year, it's been unusually warm. Even when it does snow, it melts the next day. Go figure, I get a new car that barrels right through the stuff, then it stays away. Not complaining!

Way to boost the economy. Are you sure you didn't just paint it? I didn't see nothing wrong with the old one.:confused:

It was called hail damage. My before pictures were taken prior to that happening. The replacement was via our insurance company. We had a massive hail storm last year, and we were right on the edge of it. Thankfully, we weren't home at the time, so our vehicles didn't get hit. Many people had not only their entire homes destroyed, windows busted and everything, but also their vehicles that were outside. I went to one neighborhood the next day that had all the leaves knocked off the trees. It looked like some kind of war zone.

It's snowing now! We haven't had much this year, it's been unusually warm. Even when it does snow, it melts the next day. Go figure, I get a new car that barrels right through the stuff, then it stays away. Not complaining!


Yu got an Audi all wheel drive? Awesome!
Got about 5" last night. I got my snow blower out for the 1st time this winter. Didn't want to start. I thought CRAP the damned snow plow just went by. It finally started, YAAA!
It is just after noon and it is 13 degrees. I guess it is susposed to be colder tonight. But then again up in the high 30's for the rest of the week-I think.

No more banging.
Is that how flooring customers think too? I always wonder if they noticed it. :D
Two things: House looks great............... and man, I glad we don't have hail like THAT!
When we get hail, it's pea sized and worst I can ever recall was a little over a one inch buildup and no wind involved.
It ws 10 degrees here yesterday with the wind chill, and a inch of snow . no big deal , but with 30 mph winds guess where Nick stayed all day . :D

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