
Flooring Forum

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Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2012
Gilbertsville, Ky
Just wanted to say howdy to everyone out there. I have never been on any forum @ all. I am a 2nd generation floor installer, sand & finisher in west KY. Hope all are as busy as we have been lately. I stay small (2 employees) that way I can make sure everything is done the way I like it. Nice to meet y'all.

Tim Clark
Elite Floors
I was trying to get pics off my phone to show a stairway we completed today. It says that I need activate something in settings, but like I said im new to this, can't figure that out. Does anyone now how? Thanks
No problem here with same phone. Maybe it's an administerial setting.

Hello all! First off, wow, I never would have thought a webpage could be full of such friendly people. I feel like there is a lot of great advice around here. I came on here to seek a little detailed advice whithin the flooring world, considering business has been picking up so well lately. I'll be looking around, thanks again!
