Me as well. Seems like a bad dream
What if she goes first, It is not a given who is first.My wife has all my log in info. When I am gone, she will post it.
I know, but she is 12 years younger and only does Facebook.What if she goes first, It is not a given who is first.
I took a shower and headed to work this morning just after posting. I felt the same sick feeling inside. It's lingered all day long......... enough so, that I even mentioned his passing to a new customer I did a repair for. He was on my mind all day.I am still having trouble believing it. I am in kind of a fog.
You guys stop talking like that.................. and stop getting old. ........or older........... aah! you know what I mean.I know, but she is 12 years younger and only does Facebook.
Must have been something on his record. He could not own a gun.......legally.Nick used to tell me the funniest stories. He described growing up in South Philly.
I asked him once about it and he laughed and said when you grow up there you had two choices, grow up and work for the mob, Or become a cop and work for the mob.
There was a story about walking to school every day, as he walked through the Italian neighborhood, the little old ladies out front sweeping their stoop every morning would whack him with their brooms, when he asked why they would say he deserved it because they knew he was going to get in trouble before the day was over, then he had to walk through a small Jewish neighborhood and the little ladies would whack him saying the same thing, then when he got to the Catholic school before he could even get in the door the nuns would whack his hand with a ruler telling him that was for the trouble they knew he was going to get into that day. I ask him if he ever got into trouble, he laughed and said every day.
There was another story about working for a bookie. The bookie saw they were getting a little cocky, he and a friend, as collectors. So the bookie sent them to collect From a tough little old man, who they tried to act tough with, who then proceeded to beat them both up at the same time, that’s when he figured that was not the line of work for him.
I met him in Greensboro North Carolina to proctor the NWFA exam for him, he caught on real quick to this inspection certification biz saying it was a racket to make money and he should just print Certs for five dollars each. And the test? a story best told not in print.
The IRS worked out a program for him to pay back taxes but he told them to go to hell, he would be paying off the interest for fifty years. A lady called him telling him if he didn’t agree they would come arrest him and put him in jail, he told her to look at his record and he would welcome three hots and a cot as a vacation. He said he never heard from her again and didn’t pay the taxes. I wonder what was on his record?
True or fiction? And the stories about buying cigarettes down South and selling them in the bars of New York and New Jersey? I don’t know but I would like to think every story he told me is true.
And his stories about the big boat on the ocean he had, well, some stories best not put in print.
He had a 38, if I remember right.Legally?
Well said, Legally? Nick?
I emailed him a couple months ago asking if he was OK, he said he was.
Like a lot of us I’m going to feel guilty and sad I didn’t talk to him more.
A wishful vision, he is playing a never ending round of golf with Bagger Vance as his caddie, “a game that can be played but never won”
Still hard to believe that he is gone.I just found this out via Highup. An incredibly sad day for me. I have known that amazing person for so many years and have learned most of what I know about confusers from him. I called him Masta and he would refer to me as Grasshopper. He was an incredible friend and I will miss him and his stories immensely. I'm so sorry that I found out so late.
Thank you Nick for all you gave to us. I will miss you always. RIP my friend.