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Will work for food
Supporting Member
Mar 6, 2011
This started out as Colt Clark and the quarantine kids. He's a professional musician that does gigs wherever he can.
Covid brought his career to a stop.
This family started out doing videos to show to their friends and relatives and immediately became a sensation on YouTube.
This family is really down to earth and I think it would be great if anyone that enjoys music could pass this to increase the number of subscribers that this group has.
The interactions between the kids and their dad, the brothers and their sister are just an absolute kick to watch. Their talent as far as musicians goes is unreal considering the ages of the kids.
Anyway I haven't checked out their site for a week or two and here's the latest
I been watching them for a while now. Their really talented.... Not to mention cute as hell!
The dad and boys are as professional as they can get. Their daughter was the showstopper because she was just so cute, animated and goofy that you couldn't help but lover her.
It soon became evident watching her rhythm and timing that she may act goofy, but she knows exactly what's going on at every moment and knows every word of the songs. I think I first noticed that when she had possession of a cowbell. Dad and the boys were in the background playing the music and she was spinning around in circles and jumping off the chair and her only job was to hit the cowbell. Should be spinning around looking like she wasn't paying any attention in the world and then when it came for cowbell, she'd look straight into the camera and smack that sucker dead on with perfect rhythm. Initially she didn't do any fancy instruments just sticks tambourine or something like that. Watching her now, it's quite obvious that she's something special. She's really good and lately she's been playing everything from the bass guitar to the keyboard. They got invited to play with Marty Robbins at one of his shows and they've taken some really cool vacations. Initially it was Colt Clark and the quarantine kids but I think they wore that out and decided to change the name.
You can watch the news and get depressed or you can check out their newest video which always puts a smile on your face. They're a very happy well-rounded family and if they're just a lot of fun to watch.
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Yeah she's managing in touch every instrument known to man. I think the kids can all play everything to some degree but the boys have settled into what they do best. I don't know what she's going to transition to yet. Her main role has been Goofy and funny and happy along with parts with instruments. I'm guessing she's going to find something that she likes and then she'll roll with it.. You may not notice how good the boys are in these videos but when they do a solo, youll realize how good they are.
By the way I hadn't seen that one. I used to watch every video that came up but then I watched so many different things it's hard to watch everything. If you're having a bad day though, you just click on one of their videos and you'll be good.

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