My kitchen has 3" birch flooring that was installed in 2003. It's fastened to wooden sleepers over a concrete slab. Some years ago our kitchen sink drain leaked and it ended up dampening a portion of the slab below. Fixed the leak and dried things out with fans best I could. Floor didn't buckle but I suspect we may have developed some mold on the bottom side of the flooring near the sink area--getting a faint off smell, not the classic mold smell but I can definitely detect something a little odd. I notice it particularly sometimes when I go away for a few days and come back. There's no visible mold anywhere.
I'm thinking about removing the flooring to see what's going on under there but not exactly sure how to go about it. I can't access the last course because it runs beneath the cabinets (see photos below). Situation is further complicated because the flooring also runs beneath an island. Should I cut out one of the pieces and inspect for starters? What's the best technique to do this?
Also, the finish on the floor has gotten pretty worn (I used Osmo Hardwax Oil which penetrates the wood and can be reapplied without sanding). I refinished it once but it's worn off now. I'm wondering if maybe water splashed onto the floor (you should see what happens when my 16-year-old is asked to do the dishes!) is now just soaking into the wood and maybe "re-activating" any mold that might be under there. Thinking I should refinish the floor so it stays dry, then rip out a piece and inspect the bottom for any sign of mold (refinishing is pretty easy--you just clean the floor then brush on a thin coat of the hardwax oil).
Finally, noticing some significant gaps in the past year--and a couple of the boards are feeling a little loose now--near the sink area. Wondering if water splashing on the unfinished floor is causing some extra swelling/shrinkage and creating more movement? We heat with a woodstove so it can get very dry in the house during winter.
Thanks for any advice. Here's some photos:
I'm thinking about removing the flooring to see what's going on under there but not exactly sure how to go about it. I can't access the last course because it runs beneath the cabinets (see photos below). Situation is further complicated because the flooring also runs beneath an island. Should I cut out one of the pieces and inspect for starters? What's the best technique to do this?
Also, the finish on the floor has gotten pretty worn (I used Osmo Hardwax Oil which penetrates the wood and can be reapplied without sanding). I refinished it once but it's worn off now. I'm wondering if maybe water splashed onto the floor (you should see what happens when my 16-year-old is asked to do the dishes!) is now just soaking into the wood and maybe "re-activating" any mold that might be under there. Thinking I should refinish the floor so it stays dry, then rip out a piece and inspect the bottom for any sign of mold (refinishing is pretty easy--you just clean the floor then brush on a thin coat of the hardwax oil).
Finally, noticing some significant gaps in the past year--and a couple of the boards are feeling a little loose now--near the sink area. Wondering if water splashing on the unfinished floor is causing some extra swelling/shrinkage and creating more movement? We heat with a woodstove so it can get very dry in the house during winter.
Thanks for any advice. Here's some photos: