The problem is, if one of you copy and pasted copyright protected material on this forum, this bill would give them the means to shut us down.
Explain the difference to me...If you buy a movie and let me watch it on line it's illegal. If a library buys a a copy and loans it out it isn't.
If I rent a movie at Movie Gallery and let my neighbor watch it before I return it, is that illegal?
That simple................I posted a copyrighted cartoon the other day. Ole JImmy woulda had my azz if it were over at TFL forum. ha ha figure it out ....
Thing is is...there's many ways to protect copyrighted material. If you don't want it used without your perrmission, don't put it on the INTERNET. If you put it on the INTERNET take precautions ar at least put your name on it so you get credit, nothing wrong with people using your stuff if you have your name on it, flattery gets you anything you want. Free advertising
It's that simple.
................but he will be in jail when he's old.There has been lots of write ups in our paper
This guy has done a lot better than this old linolayer