Rubbing alcohol left white streak on sealed concrete

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Dec 8, 2022
I had a plumber install a new toilet today. He left some black scuff marks (probably from his shoes) on my sealed concrete floor. Nothing worked to take them out. Except for rubbing alcohol... I applied a bit and rinsed it off with a wet rag to soak up any excess alcohol. However, that left a white streak. Is there a way to remove this or is this permanent?


If it doesn't come out, I could squint hard and pretend it almost looks like it's part of the pattern 😩
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Is that an acid stained concrete floor? Rubbing alcohol, isopropyl, reacts with acid. Don’t know if that’s what happened but we gotta explore possibilities. What kind of sealer was used on the floor.
Is that an acid stained concrete floor? Rubbing alcohol, isopropyl, reacts with acid. Don’t know if that’s what happened but we gotta explore possibilities. What kind of sealer was used on the floor.
H&C Clear Transparent Concrete Sealer Ready-to-use (1-Gallon):

My flooring guy just got back to me and asked if I wet the concrete, does the color return? If not, the color also has been removed (it has).

Next time on the scuff marks try “Magic Eraser”… They really are magic! (Melamine)
I was thinking about it but did not have any at home... I never had alcohol damage any surface before.
My flooring guy just got back to me and asked if I wet the concrete, does the color return? If not, the color also has been removed (it has).

So the rubbing alcohol removed the sealer then it removed the color? Is this a painted floor? Acid stain? Were you a crazy person and used a whole bottle of rubbing alcohol? Hopefully not but I’m not here to judge, just learn. Did the floor not get sealed properly? I haven’t seen that before so I gotta know.
So the rubbing alcohol removed the sealer then it removed the color?
Is this a painted floor? Acid stain?
Concrete overlay with water-based paint then sealer (stunk for a few days).
Were you a crazy person and used a whole bottle of rubbing alcohol?
A small amount to rub off the scuff marks and immediately rinsed with a wet (water only) rag. The alcohol was on the floor for less than a minute (no soaking etc).
Hopefully not but I’m not here to judge, just learn. Did the floor not get sealed properly? I haven’t seen that before so I gotta know.
It was sealed properly (I think), but alcohol is not tolerated by apparently. A redditor had a similar issue:
Wow. Didn’t think isopropyl alcohol would be so fast to do that. I use denatured alcohol to clean stuff and I know it softens paint but not that quickly. Guess I learned something today. Thank you for the feedback.
Here's what I found in the link for the sealer at Lowes;

For use over bare and properly prepared, previously coated exterior concrete, stone and pavers

Rather than calling that system you describe "sealed concrete" I consider what you have is a PAINTED garage floor. It makes a lot more sense that your paint/sealer are discolored than how the original question was framed. I doubt that would happen with the standard sealed concrete.

If it's just painted it would seem to be a very simple fix of sanding off the sealer and paint and re-applying. Like any painted and sealed surface it's not always possible to patch out in small sections to get a uniform appearance. You did allude that you're ready to adjust your vision/perception/expectations.

As I got older and assumed more responsibility in my industry I HAD to adjust my vision/perception/expectations. I learned to ask not "Is it perfect?" and started asking "is it beautiful"?
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