I've only had the grind concrete a couple of times and the areas weren't overly large. The first time a shop let me borrow their 7-in metabo grinder. It's an angle grinder attached to a sling type of a fair so you can stand up. The first time I used one was in our local History museum. They had a 10x12 depression in the concrete that was to receive a hardwood floor that was then to be routed and ground out to form a map of our county. They needed this depression filled with self-leveler to form an exact depth of one inch. I mapped it out with strings and most of it needed around 5/8 of an inch of self leveler to bring it to the requested depth. The self leveler required the concrete had the surface scuffed off of it.
Anyhow I picked up their grinder and brought it to the job site and it had one of those rubber dust cups around it and a vacuum hose attachment. I put my shop vac just outside the door. I have about 30 ft of hose for it. As I went to connect my hose to the grinder, I noticed that in the top of the rubber dust cup there, was a large hole. For some reason I thought if I taped off that hole it would be better at sucking out the dust. Hey stop laughing I've never used one of these before.
Anyway I turn on my vacuum walked back and turned on the machine. With that vent hole taped up my vacuum sucked hard enough that the machine virtually wouldn't move and it started digging to China real fast........straight down
Logic immediately set in and I pulled the tape off the vent hole.
I was extremely impressed how well that rubber dust shroud worked.